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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Permanent Dangers Of Driving: How To Save Lives

Name: Jasmin Brown
From: Hinesville, GA
Votes: 0

The Permanent Dangers Of Driving: How To Save Lives

Every year, as the population decreases exponentially, the number of people who die from car accidents increases. Common causes of drivers either crashing into other people or into whole structures are drivers driving while texting, being under the negative effects of alcohol, speeding, ignoring traffic lights or signs, or getting distracted whether it’s by a conversation occurring in the car or feeling aggressive over something which happened earlier that day. While drivers cannot be controlled into making good choices, there are still steps which can be taken towards drivers in order to encourage them to drive safely and protect themselves, as well as the individuals around them. I have witnessed aggressive drivers speeding in the past and hope to reduce the amount of them in order to prevent many people from either dying or getting permanent injuries. Although drivers cannot be controlled to drive safely, steps we can take to reduce car accidents are having drivers owe more money when getting a speeding ticket or being caught breaking another driving law, spreading more awareness of the number of deaths that are caused by driving unsafely, and being a good influence on other people by driving safely ourselves.

Drivers should be given a larger amount of money for breaking driving rules and regulations so that they take the law more seriously and choose to drive more safely. Any action which disregards the law should have a large consequence so that people feel forced to follow it. For example, in Georgia state, speeding 24-33 miles over leaves someone having to pay $500 when receiving a ticket. This consequence for speeding clearly is not strict enough due to 9.18% of drivers in the United States having a speeding ticket record in 2022. To ensure the safety of both drivers and other civilians, the amount that irresponsible drivers should pay for speeding 24-33 miles should go up by 10%.

Spreading more awareness of the number of deaths that are caused by driving unsafely should cause drivers to realize how many people are injured due to irresponsible drivers per year. Hopefully, this realization will have them become more responsible drivers as a way to avoid becoming a part of the majority that hurts or slaughters people with their own vehicles. There are many drivers who do not wish to become murderers whether it’s accidental or intentional slaughter. Drivers who are humane also will not wish to hurt anyone when driving to go to their targeted location such as the grocery store or the mall. An estimated 20,175 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes during the first half of 2022, according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. During 2020, 1 in 101 deaths within the United States was caused by a motor-vehicle crash.

Being a good influence on other people by driving safely ourselves can encourage people to become safe drivers themselves. Responsible drivers can show how much more beneficial it is to drive without consuming alcohol, drive according to the speed limit, and to always keep our eyes on the road. Drivers can also practice safe driving habits by turning off their phone to avoid any further distractions from driving. Traffic lights and stop signs should be paid attention to and each sign should be followed accordingly. For example, cars should be stopped when a traffic light flashes red but then the cars should keep moving when the traffic light flashes green. Children who witness their parents practice good driving habits may also grow up to be responsible drivers as well. These behaviors can be taught to both other grown ups and children and help better the drivers in our society.

By increasing the amount of money a driver owes when receiving a ticket, swearing the awareness of driver safety hazards, and being a good influence on other drivers, we can reduce the number of deaths and injuries which result around use due to poor driving habits. Drivers who wish to not practice good driving habits should have to face harsher consequences such as having to pay a larger amount of money for breaking the law. Drivers should have good role models around them to encourage them to drive safely. Spreading awareness of the permanent injuries and losses that poor driving habits can bring upon people can also encourage others to improve their driving habits and drive both safely and responsibly, benefitting not only them, but others around them in their environment.