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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – transportation’s most needed education

Name: Hunter
From: albany, OR
Votes: 0

transportation’s most needed education

Throughout the many years of transportation humans have been in various forms of danger. These forms have had their dangers been big but none of them have been as big as big as the dangers of driving a 2 ton chunk of metal with 0 guidance beside the trust of the driver and drivers around them, otherwise known as cars. Even now with driving becoming automatic and controlled by robots there are still many dangers from the drivers around them and what you as a driver have no control over, but there are ways to avoid these dangers in many ways and forms.

Transportation has been a major key in many of the important times in history. Trains, boats, and airplanes all have been major parts in transportation of goods and people but one of the most useful and convenient ways have been cars. Cars have been so good at transporting those things there are currently 1.4 billion cars world wide, but on the other hand driving one is one of the most dangerous out there. While driving in these sophisticated machines is fun there is very little training required to learn how to drive one, planes require 6-12 months of flying with recorded time with an instructor, boats require 8 hours of both class and training instructor time, and trains require a minimum of 3 months to be able to operate one, yet driving a car requires a few tests with classes that are only recommended. With this younger driver puts others and themselves with the inexperience of driving and this can lead onto their later years in life not knowing proper road edicate. This can be changed though driving lessons which have been proven to be more secure and bring more initiative with driving. With less accidents and better driving the driving lessons on a bigger scale would improve the amount of deaths per day let alone the deaths per year by a massive margin.

Some of the things you can take to become a better driver aren’t very hard or costly. Trying to learn to drive isn’t that costly one of the biggest things you can do is go to your local driving school and try some lessons, taking driving lessons can be really beneficial toward drivers of all ages by improving their attention span, rules of the road, the duality between driving defensively and aggressively, rules of the road and many more from a professional driver or instructor. If those aren’t able to take some drivers safety test while they may seem to be just a test it can benefit you on what you should do in situations and proper road education. Another way to learn the way of driving a car is through video games, while this isn’t to much of a recommendation to say that you can drive better than someone who has actual road experience it can help understand cars and how they feel to a point, the cars in some video games have the feel of taking corners and proving proper steering and may also improved hand eye coordination as well as reaction time. The most important thing is to drive more, driving isn’t something you can learn in a day and if you think you can you’d be wrong there are many situations where you can’t predict what will happen or if you can avoid it and there is no way you or anyone else can tell you exactly what can happen. There are ways to improve the skill used in driving and driving educators help with and make sure you drive safely but there is no way to tell what can happen so doing these things can save a life or someone else’s.

My family has some great drives in it but there are 2 experiences that show how important drivers ed is. My sister who was 5 months pregnant with my nephew had been coming home from a night shift and had felt tired due to it and had felt sleepy on the road. She had been driving for about 20 minutes when she had slowly rolled off the side of the road, she said she felt it in the wrong moment and proceeded to jerk the wheel too hard and ended up rolling the car upside down. When I had talked to her about it she had stated that she is lucky to be alive and that she at the time felt inexperienced enough to deal with those types of situations and had said that if she had been through a course about driving she would have been more prepared for that type of problem.

The next event was when my brother in law who had felt that driving school was one of the best things he has ever had in his life. He had been in a life threatening situation where he had his brakes go out going down the side of a mountain. He had been driving in the middle of the night with some of his and about ¼ of the way down the mountain his break broke and he had started to fly down the mountain at high speeds. His driving instructor was a former veteran and had taught him how to deal with situations where there was no way to stop or control his car and to be calm in those situations. My brother in law had drifted around rocky edges and barely passed cars going around 105 mph until he finally slowed down enough and found a safe spot to crash the car in a mound of dirt destroying the car but saving everyone in the car with some scratches and bruises. He told me that if he hadn’t meet his driving instructor and had known what to do then he would have just drove off the side and had fallen over 100ft to his death saying that drivers ed is one of the most important things he has done because it had saved his life many times before and after that.