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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Significance of Safe Driving Conditions

Name: Camila Meza Velarde
From: Avondale, AZ
Votes: 0

The Significance of Safe Driving Conditions

In contemporary society, it is well known that numerous deaths come from traffic accidents. Additionally, there are several causes for why this occurs as well as steps that may be taken to guarantee it does not happen as frequently. Making sure that teenagers or whomever is operating the car is taking or has taken driving education is one method in particular that we may use to prevent the occurrence of these unfortunate situations that end in fatalities. As they are, of course, being instructed by professionals, this is a great approach to ensure that individuals are genuinely informed of everything they need to confront on the road. If anything, they are really just being taught the basic knowledge that almost everyone is aware of. Not only this, but parents in particular have a tendency to make their children anxious because they are afraid of making a mistake or being judged, which essentially results in a driver’s poor performance. In contrast, a student or driver working with a professional should not be anxious nor concerned about whether they are learning enough material since they are, and more importantly, because it is their vocation. To illustrate, according to a driving institute, young drivers who learn to drive from their parents are more than three times as likely to be in a fatal collision as those who learn to drive from professional driving instructors.Young drivers must thus get expert instruction, which is essential. Furthermore, depending on where they are taught, learning to drive can be rather expensive for certain families; consequently, the state or even the country at large should take steps to ensure that everyone receives driving instruction in a way that is more financially feasible for them.

Raising the legal driving age to the adult age, which is 21 years old, is another action that might be made to lower the number of tragic deaths due to driving. Teen drivers speed up, stop aggressively, and make sharp turns, which makes up for reckless driving on the roadways. For instance, according to Natali Regoli, “One-third of the deaths in the 13-19 age demographic occur in motor vehicle crashes each year.” Moreover, teenagers are more prone to drive while intoxicated or to drive without seatbelts due to their impulsive disposition. Not only that, but teenagers are statistically more likely to cause vehicle accidents than adults, and this is mostly because their brains have not fully grown.In addition to this,Families also have to pay more for insurance owing to the increased danger posed by adolescent drivers, but this may be avoided by raising the legal driving age. Since teenagers account for the majority of driving-related events, it may be assumed that raising the driving age to 21 will result in a decrease in the number of fatalities caused by teens on the road. Various critics may counter that evidence gathered over time indicates that many collisions are not just caused by teens, but also by seniors and older people.While statistics reveal those over 20 are more likely to be involved in fatal incidents,older adults are more inclined to be killed as a result of the collisions, whilst teenagers are more likely to cause them. According to Brian C. Tefft, a senior researcher who manages research on a wide variety of traffic safety issues, of all crashes including injury and fatal, teenagers aged 16-17 continue to have the greatest collision involvement rate over any age group per 100 miles driven. In addition to this, the collision “rate among 16-17-year-old drivers” was roughly “twice that of 18-19-year-olds and 4.5 times that of older drivers.” Furthermore, additional research comes to the conclusion that those under the age of 20 have the greatest crash participation rate as a result of three critical mistakes: lack of scanning, acceleration, and distractions. Therefore, lowering the overall number of car accidents involving and caused by teenagers would be achieved by raising the legal driving age to 20. Further evidence suggesting that teens are not as cautious behind the wheel as adults comes from the CDC’s finding that drivers aged 15 to 19 were more likely than those aged 20 and older to be distracted in crashes where someone died as a result of visual, bodily, or cognitive distractions. Most crucially, psychological traits show that adolescent brain development is not complete until age 25.According to studies, white matter in the brain starts to move from the back to the front around the age of 20. Typically, this procedure is finished between the ages of 25 and 30, therefore it should go without saying that 16 years old is a long way from those ages. Additionally, this white matter is important because it promotes greater cognitive abilities, which are essential for an adolescent’s ability to safely operate a car on the road and take in their surroundings. So, among other things, the lack of white matter in 16-year-olds explains their recklessness, as well as their propensity to speed, miss, or violate traffic lights. Thus, it is evident from the aforementioned assertions and arguments that raising the legal driving age might lower the number of traffic-related fatalities. Fortunately, I’ve never been in a serious vehicle crash, but my family and I have been hit by vehicles, so I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like. However, I have seen individuals I know drive carelessly on the highway. For instance, they have either driven faster than the legal speed limit or have been using their phones while driving. I would highly advise avoiding texting and driving as a result. Even a very competent driver runs the risk of causing a horrific accident by failing to pay attention to what is in front of them, putting not just themselves but also other people in danger.