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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Protecting the Gift

Name: Hannah Olin
From: Lincoln, NE
Votes: 0

Protecting the Gift

Education allows individuals to make informed and safe decisions in various areas of their lives. We have school, educating our minds and giving us the knowledge and skills to be thinkers and doers, contributing to our society. Drug and alcohol education informs people about the hazards and life-altering effects of its abuse. Parenting classes, nutrition guidance, health classes, and so many more are all ways in which we educate ourselves to take better care of both ourselves and those around us. Drivers’ education is no different. Informed and trained drivers are safe drivers. They have been given the opportunity to learn and therefore make informed and safe decisions. This education should include not just the basics of driving but also how to be a safe and responsible driver. Teaching individuals how to avoid distractions, drive safely in all situations, avoid substances or situations that could jeopardize safety, and more all create responsible drivers who take getting behind the wheel seriously and conscientiously. As a result of this type of education, the number of car-related deaths and serious injuries can be drastically reduced. Education can be powerful, and drivers’ education is no different.

Besides drivers’ education, driving-related deaths and injuries can be reduced by emphasizing the impacts of alcohol, drug, and substance use. Programs that emphasize the value and importance of the lives of every individual can foster the feelings of responsibility that should grip every individual that gets behind the wheel. Not only are they taking their own lives in their hands, but the lives of those in the car with them and in the lane beside them. This includes emphasizing everything from using seatbelts and proper car seats to the dangers of driving without sufficient sleep or when emotionally distraught. There could also be greater measures to reduce cell phone use while driving, improved car designs to increase safety, or an increased effort to reduce distracted driving. The list could go on and on. Ultimately, it boils down to each individual taking on the responsibility for their safety and that of those around them. If each person could do that, I believe the number of unspeakable tragedies we hear and see all too often would be significantly decreased.

My first and only car accident was rattling to me. I was merging into a turn lane a little later than I should have. I neglected to sufficiently check my blind spot, running into a car that was driving up alongside me to get into the same turning lane. While, thankfully, it was not serious and only caused minor scratches on both cars, it did scare me. I remember getting back into my vehicle after exchanging insurance and crying in the car all the way back home. The experience opened my eyes to the grave responsibility I take every time I get back in the car. I realized that just a small mistake or moment of forgetfulness could have a huge impact. I am grateful that mine was a small one that did not cause harm to anyone. However, I know I was lucky. I have had other family members and friends who have been in more severe accidents, where they or others were injured. It is not something I take for granted.

In the aftermath of the accident, it took me a while before I could drive without being nervous. In fact, I am still extra cautious when merging into turning lanes! However, while I wish it had never happened, I am grateful now for its impact on my driving. Overall, I have become a safer, more conscientious driver. I am more aware of the impact that my decisions can have on my safety and the safety of those around me. It has made me a better driver. It has influenced all areas of my driving, from being more watchful to make sure I limit any possible distractions. I honestly think that it comes from the profound feeling that I am responsible for my safety and ensuring that of those around me. Life is precious, and each person has value. Why would I or anyone else want to do something that could possibly jeopardize this extraordinary gift? If people can fully understand that concept and take it to heart, our roads would be much safer. This is one crucial way in which I can work to become a better, safer driver. And I hope, through my actions and efforts, it is something that will influence others to do the same. Because, if each individual does what they can to be a safe driver, everyone will benefit!