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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Scholarship Essay

Name: Landen Battista
From: Las Vegas, NV
Votes: 0 Scholarship Essay

Given the numerous accidents and fatalities that occur on the roads, driver’s education is crucial since some people lack the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to drive responsibly and safely. There are many examples of poor driving that may be the result of a lack of driver’s education. One example to consider that I have witnessed firsthand is when someone runs a red light or stops at a green one. Another to consider that I have also been a witness to is someone driving faster than the posted speed limit and failing to reduce speed, both of which can result in accidents and fatalities. I have also observed a disregard for stop signs too.

Many measures can be taken to reduce accidents and fatalities and stay safe on the roads. One step for those who are of the legal age to drink alcoholic beverages, for example, should be to not drink and drive. If they do choose to drink and drive, they should keep a portable car breathalyzer in their vehicles at all times to measure their blood alcohol level before getting behind the wheel and driving on the roads. If their blood alcohol level is over the legal limit to drive, they should call a friend or family member to pick them up or consider an alternate means of public transportation. A second step to consider is the difficulty some individuals report seeing at night when driving. If you have trouble seeing at night, it’s important that you take extra care to prevent hitting anyone or anything on the road by avoiding nighttime driving as much as possible.

Wearing a seatbelt at all times, along with that of everyone else in your car, is a third strategy to increase safety. If only we could persuade the school buses and the school district in which we are located! As a fourth step, I recommend wearing sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV radiation during the day, especially if you are light-sensitive. In order to concentrate on what is in front of you, the fifth safety tip is to refrain from using your phone or earbuds while driving. Limit these distractions, use your cell phone for emergencies only, and don’t text while driving. The sixth step is to acquire as much experience under supervision as you can, such as from a parent or a driving school, so you can learn from any errors or bad habits someone may have to keep everyone safe.

Seventh, as a rookie driver, you should keep the number of passengers in your car to a minimum to avoid distractions brought on by them. As an eighth measure, keep your driving within the posted speed limit to stay safe, and have patience when you are on the road or stuck in traffic. Road rage can turn deadly, so the ninth step is to avoid engaging and arguing with aggressive drivers and let them pass. The tenth step would be to prepare for severe weather because it can be very difficult to see in terrible weather conditions, especially at night, and it can take longer to stop on slippery roads when experiencing ice, snow, or rain.

This past summer, my dad was involved in a collision, but not because he drives carelessly. Someone neglected to take the necessary safeguards and safety procedures. The other motorist veered to the right while drifting out of his lane and failing to pay attention, colliding with my dad’s car. Thankfully, this led to the airbags deploying. Despite being struck by broken glass and receiving some minor wounds, my father was unharmed. He now needs to use my mother’s automobile to get around since his car is now totaled. My dad’s experience is a sad illustration of what might go wrong when an inexperienced driver makes poor decisions and operates a vehicle. I want to stop it by reminding careless drivers about the rules of the road so they don’t create or get into accidents. Finally, an eleventh and final step is to drive a vehicle that is highly rated as a safe one for these very good reasons.

I believe I have given you the essential steps, illustrations, and guidelines for how to drive more safely, and if most drivers keep all of this information in mind, I think the roads will be a lot safer. Despite my age, I have decided against driving for the time being, out of personal and responsible considerations. As a result of my disability, learning to drive will take me a little longer and require more practice than it would for the typical person. Although I have no immediate plans to learn to drive, I do want to inform others on how to do so in order to make the roads safer, and I hope you do too!