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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The World Spins Around: How Safe Driving Can Change Your Life

Name: Brooklyn Schroeder
From: Brandon, South Dakota
Votes: 0

The World Spins Around: How Safe Driving Can Change Your Life

An astounding question asked by many…how can we reduce the number of deaths related to driving? The answer is simple; follow all precautions and laws. But, the list of those precautions and laws is lengthy. Driver education is the start of saving lives. Education regarding driving provides us instructions and defense when situations arise. Knowing basic precautions can keep the roads safer for everyone. Some will say the drivers around you are the ones to worry about while driving, so be sure you are not one to cause concern. Be the cautious driver focused on bettering the road for those around you. The little notions make the world of difference. If we begin with creating healthy habits within ourselves in driving scenarios, we are already gaining. Be the change you want to see in others.

Starting off with putting your seatbelt on at all times when in a moving vehicle is necessary. The chances of a car accident being fatal or life threatening heavily increases when the passengers and driver are not wearing a seatbelt. Most people have been given the spiel on drinking and driving. No one thinks they will be in the act of driving while under the influence, until too late. You should always have a designated driver and plan ahead of time. This will assist in the stress and risky situations. You must always watch your speed and your surroundings. As speeding causes a buildup of fines, it also puts others on the road at risk. Considered reckless driving, speeding increases the chances and severity of crashes. Following too closely—often referred to as tailgating—causes you to have to brake suddenly.

A common occurrence… texting or using cell phones while driving. Sending a simple text message takes your eyes off the road for seconds at a time. Those seconds could be the difference between life and death. A majority of drivers in the world are guilty of using their cell phone in some way while driving. Being so easy to simply pick your phone up and quickly text your friend back, it happens too often. No one thinks about the consequences while in the act, rather after the fact when the damage is done. I have experienced many people texting while driving, either driving down main street or even driving me to a destination. This puts us at risk and increases the chances of crashing.

I have witnessed many accidents in my life. One that specifically comes to mind is while driving down the interstate. There was a multi-car crash involving motorcycles. Individuals had to be airlifted and were in critical condition. I remember hearing it on the news and thinking this could be anyone. Anyone could be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be involved in an accident. Whether your fault or not, the effects are heavy. Experiencing this and seeing a critical accident with my own eyes, opened my mind. It made me feel the need to drive with more responsibility and be aware of all my surroundings.

As individuals, we can take certain actions to keep the roads safer. Weather conditions undoubtedly affect road conditions and the precautions required while driving. For instance, if snow is falling and the roads are frozen over, you must drive slowly and brake early. Driving in these conditions can persuade people away from feeling the need to drive, which helps with accident rates. Something as simple as listening to music at an absurd volume or with ear buds, can increase the crash rates. You must be sure your attention is directed towards the road and on safe driving. Simple mannerisms, such as eating while driving is a great distraction. Even picking up a cup to drink out of, causes risk. Accidents are solely based on the people driving the car and those around on the road. It all comes down to how important safe driving is to you.

A majority of accidents occur while driving are the result of humans, although some can be mechanical malfunctions. As humans, we must make the decision to drive responsible and disciplined. If we follow precautions and refrain from texting, eating, and drinking while driving, we are already taking favorable steps. All of our driving decisions come with consequences, either good or bad. Good decisions cause prevention and safety. Bad decisions cause fines, penalties, even death. As much as you may think your choices on the road do not matter, they do. Let us change our actions today, to make a world of difference.