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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Kinzie McCall
From: Almira , WA
Votes: 0

Importance of Safe Driving

I think it is very important to be a safe driver. Driving is one of the largest reasons for death. Especially among new drivers who can be unsafe and irresponsible. Taking driver’s education is extremely important and should be required to get your license in every state. If you go out into the world driving a vehicle with only the knowledge from a book you are more than likely going to cause accidents. You need to have hands-on experience with a vehicle to be able to be comfortable to drive it in a high stress situation. Someone that has only learned to drive through books and online should not be driving a vehicle. Driving is something that needs to be practiced and it is not something that should be taken as a joke. Someone on the road driving that has not had hands-on experience in a vehicle is not going to be as safe as someone who went through the proper training especially if they are new to driving. 

I think that drivers’ education should stress the importance of safe driving habits even more than they already do. I believe that they should put it into the mind of new drivers that it is absolutely necessary to wear a seatbelt while driving even if they are just driving down the road. You never know when someone else is not paying attention and can run into you. I think that they need to make sure that new drivers know that driving under the influence is in no way alright even if they had just had a sip. It is not worth it to risk your life or the lives of others. 

I also think that safe driving should be talked about in high schools. Teaching students about safe driving habits could be beneficial to how they approach driving. To give students a better idea on how unsafe driving can impact them, the school can bring in someone to talk about the stats on deaths due to driving incidents. Students that know that the way that they drive can affect others and possibly risk their lives will be more cautious when driving. Teaching students that their consequences have actions when it comes to driving will help them to be more aware of their actions while driving. Having this come from someone that is not so close to them like their parents will make them realize how important it is. 

Another thing that needs to be stressed more than it already is, is that being on your phone while driving is in no way acceptable. Drivers need to be more aware that being on your phone while driving can result in the loss of lives. If the driver needs to make a phone call or send a text they should always pull over in a safe spot to do so. Drivers need to know that even though it is difficult to stay off your phone when it is going off, it is not worth it to ruin your life or the lives of others over it. Drivers can make the decision to put their phone on do not disturb while driving so that it eliminates one distraction while they are driving. If a teenager is worried about getting a call from a parent while they are driving they can remind their parent before they leave that they will be driving and will let them know when they arrive at their destination safely. Drivers, especially teenagers, should know that social media is not more important than their wellbeing and that it can wait until they arrive at their destination. Overall, I think that unless there is an emergency in which a phone is necessary, they should be put on do not disturb for the duration of the drive.

One way that I can be a safe driver is by putting my phone on do not disturb while driving. By doing this I know that I will not be distracted by what is going on, on my phone and I can focus on driving. Being distracted by a phone can end in a tragedy for yourself and others. I think that another thing that I can do to help students in my area to think about safe driving practices is to ask the school to bring in someone who knows about the risks of unsafe driving. If our school had someone come in and talk about their experience with something in their personal life that affected them due to unsafe driving it would benefit the students. Students would realize that being unsafe while driving is not a joke and that it can ruin their own lives or the life of someone else. It will make them think about the consequences of unsafe driving and they would be more aware of their surroundings while driving. They will be able to see how one decision impacted a person’s life due to an unsafe driving practice. In the end I think new drivers and drivers that have been at it for a long time should be reminded of the consequences of unsafe driving.