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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Defensive with Driving

Name: Clay Canty
From: Logan, UT
Votes: 0

Defensive with Driving

Everyone loves to get out on the road and feel safe while driving. Driving provides a sense of freedom to those who do so carefully and correctly. On the other hand, there are many other people who may not practice the best driving habits, which in turn can put others on the road in danger. Thus, we as a people have been provided with a valuable asset in having driver education provided for our use. One may ask, ‘why do I need driver education?’ Another may pose the question, ‘why is driver education even important or relevant if I have never been in an accident?’ In order to answer these investigative thoughts, we first need to understand why we have driver education in the first place. In America, an average of 34,000 people die each year as a result of driving. Driver education is important and relevant due to the fact that thousands of people die each year, often times from the result of poor driving habits and possibly preventable accidents. All need to grasp that driver education can and will reduce the number of deaths dramatically if we will apply it and practice it ourselves along with those whom we surround ourselves.

Now that we know how important driver education truly is to our safety on the road, the next topic that arises includes what steps need to be taken in order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. First and foremost we need to make sure that drivers have completed drivers ed and know the rules of the road. Additionally, they need to know how to drive in certain road conditions (snow, ice, rain, etc.) We need to figure out what causes the deaths and accidents in order to find adequate solutions. For example, if 10,000 feathers were the result of driving under the influence, we may suggest that bartenders conjure a system to guarantee that people have designated drivers. Drivers ed courses could also be offered at high schools and higher institutions in order to spread more awareness about safe driving.

One experience I would like to share involves my brother driving under the influence of alcohol. He had been out late at a party and was driving irresponsibly on a back road toward our home. His speed was too fast and as he came upon a sharp turn he lost control and nose-dived into a ditch. He totaled the pickup, bit through his tongue, and smacked his head against the steering wheel as the airbags deployed. At 3 in the morning he was able to make a call to my mother and wake her up. Understandably, she was confused and very frightened as she came to realize what had transpired. She frantically woke me along with my dad and we drove to meet my brother who was in very poor shape. We called the authorities as well as the ambulance and they were very helpful to get my brother the care that he so desperately needed. My brother was fortunate enough to make a quick recovery and has since improved his driving habits and decision making dramatically. It was a true miracle that he suffered only those injuries and did not pass away. I

remember that memory vividly and ponder about the feelings of what measures could have been taken in order to prevent that event.

Lastly, I would like to conclude by suggesting what I can do in order to become a safer driver and help others on the road. I personally will study the rules of the road, along with traffic signals and what to do in the case of mechanical malfunctions. I plan to be a more conscious and defensive driver by always using my blinkers while turning and switching lanes. I will also look into drivers ed courses in my area and online so that I may regain knowledge that I might have lost concerning procedures in certain situations. I will spread good habits of safe driving by promoting drivers ed courses in my area when they are offered to students and older drivers. Safe driving is vital to our nation and driver education adds an amazing asset to help in that effort.

The fact that 34,000 people die due to driving, whether it be under the influence, freak accidents, failure to pay attention, or any other facet of driving, is truly mind boggling to me. If all drivers took and applied driver education seriously, the number of casualties would drop significantly. We live in a world of speed, fast moving cars and people and in order to maintain the way we live and stay state while doing so, driver education will need to play a larger role in our society. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given to take drivers ed courses and apply them every time I find myself on the road. I hope all can strive to become safer and more defensive drivers, so that we can continue to live life in the fast lane and keep each other alive in the process.