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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – why drivers ed can save lives

Name: Jada Flynn
From: lacey, WA
Votes: 0

why drivers ed can save lives

Driver’s ed is one of the leading causes of reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. Driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do. The number of deaths by driving increases when the driver has been in driver’s ed. Being a very aware and cause driver can help with accidents. When driving you should also be looking for people, other cars, and other ways you can avoid an accident.

I have been in some minor car accidents and it has made me more aware when driving. But when my mom was a freshman in high school she got in a car accident and had to have surgery on both of her knees. She wasn’t even the driver of the car. She had to quit volleyball and couldn’t do as much fun in high school because she was always on crutches. To this day my mom is still affected.

Now that I have finished driver’s ed I know so much about driving and safety on the road. When driving I’m always very aware so I don’t cause an accident or be a part of an accident. Being safe driving also means you need to have safe passengers .When choosing your passengers you the driver are responsible for whatever happens in the car. You chose who you have in your car and that is a big part of causing accidents.

When I’m driving I want to be a very safe and aware driver. Being on your phone or distracted driving isn’t something I want to do or be a part of. I didn’t like driving because I didn’t like the responsibility that it is. I was scared I was going to get in an accident. I learned I had to have faith in myself and trust myself. I also believe when driving you need to have confidence. Driving can and is the most dangerous thing you do. So the more you learn how to be a good safe driver with confidence the better driver you are going to be. That is what driver’s ed can also help teach you.

When you are in driver’s ed you have to drive for so many hours so you can be the best driver.

You do have to listen to your driving instructor and their knowledge of how you should drive and also how much you should drive. I know that driver’s education ‘isn’t the only thing that makes you a good driver. Just going to the class won’t do anything to help you. You have to listen and learn how to be a good driver. The instructors will tell you things you should do or need to do like driving for so many hours to get your license. That’s because the more you drive the more confident you get and the better you will get at driving too. Most of the driving learning you have to do is on the road. It’s being safe around not safe cars.

I have read that more people die by car in one year in the United States of America than the number of Americans that died in the Vietnam war. We don’t think of how dangerous vehicles can be when we drive them every day or when we get in the front seat of somebody else’s car. Driving a car is probably one of the most dangerous things you will do in your life. Taking a left-hand turn is very very dangerous and we take that every day. When people are scared of a plane crashing but not scared of a car crashing it’s crazy because over 42 thousand people die every year from car accidents. But only 176 people die from plane crashes a year. Every Year around 5 people die from shark bites but most people are still more afraid of sharks than cars.

I am not trying to say these facts to try and scare people, it is to show people should be more cautious about driving safely. Even though it might not seem insanely dangerous because you do it every day it is.

I strongly believe everybody should take driver’s ed to learn about the safety on the road. You also learn more about being safe in the street by what other people or cars are going to do. You also learn some of your rights when it comes to driving and being a pedestrian on the street. I believe that without a driver’s ed I would feel comfortable or as safe on the road.