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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Greatest Responsibility

Name: Hannah Graffham
From: Rural Retreat, Virginia
Votes: 0

The Greatest Responsibility

Ding. A message has popped up on your phone. However, you are currently driving. You know you shouldn’t answer your phone, but you see the message is from your best friend. After some consideration you decide to open the message. Looking away from the road, you don’t notice when a tractor trailer is barreling straight towards you. You hear horns and screeching when you look up from your phone. Bright white headlights shine in your eyes, blinding you, then the impact comes. One second it was so bright you could hardly see, now it is all darkness.

In the year 2020, there were over 34,800 deaths due to car accidents in the United States. Driving around a 3,000 pound or more hunk of metal at 70 miles an hour takes a great deal of responsibility. Not only does the driver have their lives on the line, but others as well. Even the smallest of mistakes can lead to drastic consequences.

What steps can be taken to prevent car accidents? How can we, the person behind the wheel, create a safer driving environment? To start, never get behind the wheel if impaired by drugs, alcohol, or drowsiness. When driving, make sure everyone has their seat belts buckled. Try not to worry about being late for an event; making it on time for a meeting is not worth risking a life. Make sure to know about the condition of the car that is being driven. For example, if it is known that the car has faulty brakes, then it should not be driven. Do not try to multitask. The driver’s attention should be focused on driving and driving only. Although these steps can be taken, there is still a chance of a fatal accident. In reality, the one thing the driver can really do is be aware of their surroundings. However, lowering the chances by taking these steps could save someone’s life.

When reaching the age of fifteen and six months, teenagers have the chance to get their learner’s permit. All they have to do is pass a test on road driving skills. When teenagers get their license, they must take and pass a drivers education course. This course educates new drivers on laws, road rules, night driving, highway safety, and much more. If taught correctly and efficiently, then the courses can be a very useful tool to help drivers. I believe that people should have to retake the DMV test every ten years as well as a medical exam. It would be a way to reevaluate the capabilities of each driver and make sure they are still fit to drive. If they fail the test, but pass the medical exam, then they can take the drivers education course again, and eventually retake the test. However, if they pass the test, but not the medical exam, then they should not be able to drive. I believe this could prevent many car accidents and possibly save many lives.

Taking measures to be a safe driver is always a great idea. However, even if the driver trusts their capabilities, they cannot trust others to do the same. People are unpredictable and sometimes thoughtless. They don’t realize the power they hold when driving, which causes them to drive recklessly and endanger others. This is where defensive driving comes into play. Defensive driving is essentially a manner of driving that utilizes safe driving strategies and enables drivers to identify and address hazards in a predictable way. Defensive driving can prevent major collisions and reduce the possibilities of death due to car collisions.

During my life of eighteen years I have seen a few friends come and go due to car accidents. One in eighth grade, one in tenth grade, and one in twelfth grade. In eighth grade, a boy died in an accident due to hydroplaning. There were eight people in a car that only sat six. The boy was one of the passengers who didn’t have a seat. The other people in the car only sustained injuries while the boy, my friend, lost his life. In tenth grade, another boy in my class lost his life due to overcrowding in a car. The driver was also impaired by alcohol. If the people in the car were more responsible, then they might have been able to prevent the accident. Lastly, the most recent occurrence was this year. This accident impacted me the most. One of my close friends lost her life in a head on collision. She was taking a blind curve and when she turned the corner a elderly woman was driving in her lane. They collided head on and my friend lost her life.

All of these instances have made me realize the responsibility it takes to drive. I actually used to be scared to drive. The idea of having someone else’s life in my hands terrified me, but maybe that’s a good thing. Being nervous makes me conscious of the people around me and the way I drive. If more people realized the responsibility they have when driving, then maybe there would be less accidents. By being a defensive driver and taking steps to become a safer driver the roads can become a safer place to drive.