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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The importance of Safety on roads

Name: Delland Hipol
From: Olympia, Washington
Votes: 0

The importance of Safety on roads

Driver’s education is crucial in reducing the death toll of driving related accidents. Building good habits in teens learning to drive, preventing them from getting into fatal collisions. According to a 2015 study by the Office of University Nebraska-Lincoln communications, data shows, “About 53 percent of the teens took a state-approved driver’s education course to qualify for the permit. The remainder qualified by logging 50 hours of practice driving under the supervision of a parent or other adult. During their first year of driving, the group who took driver’s ed had significantly fewer accidents and traffic tickets than the group that logged driving hours without formal driving instruction.” Drivers education proves to be important, those who take Driver’s educational classes are less likely to get into accidents.

There are many precautions that can reduce driving related deaths. Though the options that stand out to me are: designing safer roads and making popular places more accessible. If we create more safer streets, we can guarantee the increased safety of pedestrians and cyclists. Safer roads contain more visible crosswalk signs and markings, medians and pedestrian refuge islands, seperated bicycle lanes, and rumble strips. We can create more safer crosswalks by adding more enhanced markings and signs, and improving the lighting for those driving at night. Improving the signs and cross walks make it easier for pedestrians and drivers to know where to stop and go. While those at night will be able to spot the silhouette of people crossing the crosswalk. Medians and pedestrian refuge islands provide further security to pedestrians crossing roads. Medians are the areas between the opposing lanes of traffic. A pedestrian refuge island is a median with a refuge area, intended to protect those crossing the road. Separated bicycle lanes to help those who ride bikes, and rumble strips which can alert drivers if they have drifted out of their lane. That can aid those driving in wet conditions or at night. Making the accessibility of places more easy to get to can also prevent driving related deaths. People will now have more choices to take public transportation and limit car trips which will leave them less exposed to any driving related harm. Transportation agencies can cooperate with land use agencies toplan communities, where their destinations are closer to home. Reduced driving distances reduces chances of harm due to collisions.

There are many experiences I can recall about family or personal experienced accidents, though I believe this may be one of the worst crashes of my life. I was still in elementary school at this time, during spring break. My family and I were in Canada, returning to this hotel we were staying at. On our way there we had to drive through this intersection. This car decides to run the red light and rams right into us. The damage was really bad in the front, and we ended up having to swerve away to avoid any further damage. Stories about crashes I have heard about is when my mom crashed into this fence in my neighborhood because she wasn’t able to get enough sleep. She closed her eyes and then seconds later she collided into the chainlink fence. Although the damage was little, if she were on a road with moving vehicles, it would have been serious trouble for her and other drivers.

I can contribute to safer roads by paying attention and following the rules. Understanding the rules limits the struggle and confusion on roadways. To encourage others to be responsible drivers, everyone should model what it looks like tho be a good driver. I should follow and obey all road markings, signs, and lights. While making an effort to understand and communicate with other people on the road. Making clear indications of our intentions can help alert other drivers to allow us to do what we need. Understanding where people are turning and shifting and allowing them to proceed. Having patience on busy and complicated roads is very important to keep those areas safe. If you are impatient, and do not allow people to take the specific action during their turn- you, them, or the people around you can become involved in minor or dangerous conflict. Using spaces efficiently. Keeping composure and focus on the roaod is a really important safety concern to keep in mind. When you are angry or feeling any other strong emotions you can lose track of everything important. Staying safe on the road is having an understanding of everyone else in that shared space.