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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education

Name: Alyssa Anspach
From: State College , PA
Votes: 0

Driver Education

Many steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. What it comes down to, is removing distractions while driving. Not only will this keep you safe, but it will also keep other drivers on the road safe as well. I think driver education throughout the younger generation is very important because they are known to get distracted while driving.

 Distracted driving is the act of not fully focusing on the road while traveling. There are many examples of what you could be doing to be distracted while driving, like putting on makeup or eating or drinking. However, the most common distraction while driving is texting or using social media. This is extremely familiar to the younger drivers on the road and is considered very dangerous. Some ways to reduce dangerous driving habits, such as texting, is by putting your phone on silent out of reach, and downloading an app that prevents you from going on your phone while in motion. 

One way to reduce dangerous, distracting driving habits is encouraging everyone, including teenagers, to put their phone on silent. Certain applications like messages and social media apps make noises when something new happens. For example, when someone texts you, your phone makes a dinging noise. Similarly, if someone has added to their Instagram or snapchat story, your phone will notify you of that. When teenagers hear those noises, they get the urge to check it right away. Some teenagers will disregard that they’re driving just to check their phone. However, if their phone is on silent, they won’t know if someone has texted them or posted on their social media. Therefore, they won’t get the urge to check their phone while they’re driving. 

Another way to reduce dangerous driving habits among teens is by encouraging them to place their phone somewhere where they cannot reach it while driving. Sometimes, having the phone on silent isn’t enough for teenagers. They might feel the need to check it even if they haven’t heard any notifications. So, the thought process behind this is if you can’t reach it then you won’t be able to go on it while driving. Some places where teenagers could put their phone are the center console, the glovebox, or the backseat. Having your phone somewhere out of reach really solidifies that you won’t try to get on it. In a way, it creates more of an assurance because you can’t hear or see it. 

Lastly, downloading special apps on teenagers’ phones could reduce their dangerous driving habits. There are designated apps designed to “lock” a person’s phone while they are driving. The app automatically silences texts and calls so the driver doesn’t become distracted. The app also responds to text messages for you explaining that you’re driving. That way the driver is not distracted and the people who are texting are not worried about the lack of response. So, it creates a safe environment for not only the driver, but the people who are contacting the driver as well. Having the app ensures that the teenager is keeping their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel. Sometimes, in movies, there are scenes where drivers get in accidents because they were reading text messages and the person who sent the message feels guilty for the accident. With the use of driving apps, those fictional scenes will never become a reality for you. 

Although teenagers are known for being distracted easily while driving, there are many techniques they can use in order to stay safe. Having your phone on silent and out of your reach gives you absolutely no reason to be on it while driving. Plus, if you know your mom can see your phone usage through a driving app, you will try extra hard to not be on it. 

Stressing the importance of limiting distracting driving to teenagers in driver’s ed will decrease the number of deaths. And then, further implementing the education over the years to the continuous wave of new drivers, will induce an exponential decline.

You never really care so much about something until it affects you personally. I am passionate about driver education because I almost lost my brother to an accident that could have been easily prevented. It was a sunny Saturday, when my brother was hanging out at friend’s house until it was time to go home. Nothing strayed from routine, as he exited the front of their house and traveled to the crosswalk nearby. He could see there was a car in the distance, but he thought he had plenty of time. As he walked across the street, the car was not paying attention and the person had their head down looking at their phone, while traveling way too fast in a residential area. Thankfully, my brother was aware that they were not slowing down and was able to make it mostly back to the sidewalk, but his right hip and leg were still stuck, and he suffered from hip and knee pain for months before getting surgery.

It makes me angry to think that I could have lost my brother to something that is avoidable. That person chose to go on their phone while driving and put their life and the lives of others in danger. That’s why I believe that information about distracted driving should be emphasized in driver education courses, to limit deaths and guilt.