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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Safe Driving Creates a Safer Society

Name: Veronica Dworak
From: Chicago, Illinois
Votes: 0

Safe Driving Creates a Safer Society

Driving serves as an integral component of society. It allows us to travel and maneuver ourselves in our daily lives, as well as maintain connections with others. Driving is something that all people, regardless of our differences, learn because it provides us with the key to accessing the world. With this being said, it is essential to have quality driver education because this creates a generation of safer, more informed drivers. Various studies report that quality driver education is tied to significantly reduced rates of vehicle collision. This quality driver education and the resulting reduced rate of collisions proves especially effective in teenage drivers. Because many teenagers have limited driving experience, due to not being on the road for a longer period of time, driver education allows us to gain confidence behind the wheel. This education also allows us to be more responsible and informed drivers, which not only ensures our safety but also the wellbeing of society.

In my driver’s education course, the most important concept that I have learned is that we can all do our part to ensure our personal safety and the safety of those around us. For example, it is good practice to always leave the house early because this reduces the risk of speeding and collisions. Additionally, taking breaks while driving, such as by walking or simply pulling over to a safe location for a few minutes, as well as getting a sufficient amount of sleep, allows drivers to perform at their best and to minimize the risk of complications on the road. Furthermore, cutting out distractions, such as loud music and excessive conversation, allows drivers to be more aware of their surroundings and therefore less likely to be in the event of a collision.

We can help others become safer drivers by helping them understand that it only takes one of something to cause a life changing incident on the road. It only takes one wrong turn, one conversation, or one distracting song to compromise the driver’s attention and cause a collision. Enforcing the message that it only takes one time to cause irreversible damage to oneself and others on the road will compel others to take it upon themselves to practice safer driving. Because I have experienced firsthand the irresponsible and distracted driving of family members and friends, I feel compelled to educate and inform them that their one action holds great power that can prove deleterious to themselves and those around them. If everyone continues this pattern of spreading awareness of the importance of safe driving, the message will exponentially grow and will create a generation of informed, responsible drivers.

A time when I experienced irresponsible driving was when I was a passenger in my friend’s car. We were on our way to a service event sponsored by our school, and our collective mood was one of joy and silliness. Although my friend is highly responsible and skilled at driving, I noticed that her full attention was not on the road, and that her maneuvers were not as sharp and controlled as they usually are, due to the excessive conversation that was occurring in the vehicle. While this driving experience did not physically harm anyone, it continues to serve as a reminder to me that even the most responsible and trustworthy people have the opportunity for growth in their driving skills and knowledge. I am grateful that I had this experience because it has humbled me and made me realize that no one is immune to the consequences of distracted driving. As a result, I feel more empowered to practice safe driving and to inform others about its importance in our lives.

Because driving profoundly influences our daily lives, it is crucial that people are provided with quality driver education to ensure the safety of themselves and others. The most important takeaway from my driver´s education experience is that all people must do their part to ensure the safety of themselves and others behind the wheel by engaging in responsible driving practices. Through both my driver’s education course and my personal experiences, I have also come to learn that, no matter how responsible and informed a person is about driving, there is always room to improve one’s knowledge and skills. I have realized that raising awareness of safe driving practices is never wasted because, no matter the audience, this information can be the reason behind why someone stopped to think twice about the safety of their own driving and how their actions affect those around them. It only takes one distraction to cause a horrific accident, but it only takes one person speaking up about this issue to promote positive change. Driving is something we all participate in as members of society, and because of this, I believe that it is our collective responsibility to drive safely and inform others about the importance of doing so, as this will cultivate a safer and more productive society.