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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Being a Safe Driver

Name: Aniyah Ke'Aira Jones
From: Vicksburg, MS
Votes: 0

Being a Safe Driver

Drivers Education is very important to reducing the number of deaths because as a senior in high school, I’ve learned that many kids are driving and don’t have the proper training or education, and that Is dangerous to be behind a wheel and not know the proper protocols when driving. Most people take it for granted just because they have access to a vehicle at home. I believe that parents should make sure that their children aren’t allowed to use the vehicle if they have not had the proper training or education. I know that most parents think it is convenient to allow their child to go to the store for them, but, I’ve read that most accidents and deaths occur actually just less than miles from the home.

Most drivers are distracted and if they limit the distractions they could completely concentrate on the roads and highway. I see people who are doing their hair, makeup and lashes all while driving a car on the highway, doing at least 65mph. I have seen drivers texting and looking down at the phone for at least 5 seconds at a time. Anything could happen within 2-3 seconds that could drastically change your life if you are not paying attention. So many accidents could be avoided completely. I have seen drivers who are so close behind us that we could actually touch their vehicle, they will not keep their distance when driving. Most accidents could be avoided if the driver wasn’t drinking or on drugs. It’s easy to ask for a designated driver if you are not capable of making the necessary decisions when behind the wheel of a car.

My mother and I was in the news and the newspaper in our local town here in Vicksburg, MS, because of an accident that we were involved in that totaled my mother’s vehicle. I was only 12 years old and I think that incident scarred me. My mother wasn’t in the wrong, the vehicle came from behind us and didn’t stop at all, just rammed into us doing 62 miles per hour, according to the police department. Airbags deployed and we were stuck in the vehicle waiting on them to break open our doors to let us out. The young guy that hit us jumped out his vehicle and ran into the woods. The police examined his vehicle and there were drugs and money scattered everywhere in the vehicle of his car. This driver was more than likely on drugs or doing something illegal.

I didn’t get the opportunity to take Drivers’ Ed while in High School and I believe that is very important for all Juniors and or seniors to take that class as a prerequisite for college. I’m learning to drive now, and my mother is a Transportation Driver for Medicaid and has been for 20 years. She’s an amazing driver. I watch her and her reaction to the crazy drivers who are out there on the road, and I think she leads by example. I asks her a lot of questions pertaining to driving and she makes sure that I understand what she is saying and she make me explain it back to her in my own words. The steps that I will take the following steps to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road: I would lead by example. For example, whenever someone rides with me, they must buckle their seat beats. I will make sure they can observe that I am using my rearview mirror and all side mirrors while driving. I will keep my phone on silent, and use it only when I have placed the car in park at the residence or a commercial building. I will make sure I’m assessing my surroundings and being careful when getting into my vehicle. I do not depend on other drivers; I make sure that I am being careful and paying attention at all times. Another important way to be a better and safe driver is to keep down the music. I have passed drivers who have their music up so high, I wonder how could they hear the emergency vehicles if they are needing to come through.

Being a safe driver takes work, but it can absolutely be done. We as drivers must be patient and aware of what’s happening on the road. It’s so important to know the rules and regulations of the road before getting out there to drive. WE must follow the guidelines that have been set out before us, and adhere to the speed limits signs and the traffic signals and keep an adequate amount of distance between cars and this world would be a much safer place to drive in.