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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education for Teens

Name: Davis Brown
From: 63017, MO
Votes: 41

Driver Education for Teens

As a teen driver myself, I’ve quickly come to the understanding that car accidents are fairly common. Oftentimes, it’s easy to attribute the accidents to poor weather or blame it on other cars, yet a lack of driver education is a substantial part of most accidents. Thus, an increase in educated drivers could help prevent driving deaths in our country. While driving, it’s difficult to rely on everyone else to be a safe driver. Driver education helps us not only prepare for poor driving from other cars, but improves our ability to commute safely on our own accord.

Driver’s education is the best solution for reducing the number of driving related deaths. Sure we can decrease injury risk and death totals by using public transportation, but at the end of the day, teens should be prepared to be safe drivers. After all, it’s a skill that they will need the rest of their lives.

There are a multitude of steps that can be taken to reduce driving related deaths. However, these start before even unlocking the car. Before even turning on one’s vehicle it is important to be in a mental state where you are able to drive safely. This means getting a ride from somebody else if you are intoxicated. If attending a party, it’s best to plan out your ride before so that you aren’t driving intoxicated or getting in a car with someone who is. However, alcohol consumption isn’t the only reason to stay away from the wheel. Feeling excessively tired, anxious, or hyper isn’t great either. When facing these feelings, take a good 5 minutes before driving to ensure you are able to keep focus on the road.

Next, it’s essential to buckle up. Wearing a seat belt can be the difference between a light accident and a fatal crash. Seatbelts have been shown to be effective in reducing automobile deaths and it takes almost no effort to wear one. The seatbelt is a fundamental part of a driver’s safety.

Once you’re focused and buckled up, it’s time to drive. While on the road, there are a few things you can do to keep safety as a priority. Checking blind spots when switching lanes is super important. A mere look in your side-views isn’t enough to see if you’re good to switch. Cars can speed past without you knowing, jeopardizing your safety. However, educated drivers will take the time to check over their shoulder to make sure they can make the lane switch. In addition to checking your blind spots, always give enough room behind cars at a stop light. You should be able to see their tires touch the ground. If not, you are likely too close and subject to a fender-bender sort of accident. All it takes is one quick brake and your safety is at risk. Thus, give space to the driver in front of you.

Side roads and stop lights only make up a portion of driving. Risk of injury on the highway can be daunting to new drivers. One easy tip is to stay in the middle lane. This way, you’ll avoid drivers merging onto the highway from the right and also avoid those who are driving at a quicker speed in the left lane. However, if you are planning on getting off at an exit, look to go one lane at a time and slow down as you approach the exit. As you gain experience on the highway, these stipulations will become less important. You will gain confidence switching lanes and will do far better in a faster paced environment.

In summary, drivers should be in a good mental state to drive, use a seatbelt, check blind spots, give room to drivers in front, and be cautious of what lane they use on the highway.

Unfortunately, I’ve had a few friends who haven’t followed these rules so well. While I’ve never been pulled over for speeding, I have some buddies who have gotten multiple tickets. However, other friends have been in more serious situations. While I feel like most of them are well educated drivers, it only takes one irresponsible mistake to cause a mishap. This isn’t meant to scare newer drivers, but staying “switched on” at all times can be a key difference in reducing risk of accident or injury.

Becoming a better and safer driver is easy if you commit to it. Reducing risk of injury or accident is something that all drivers should seek. By following the tips and tricks mentioned above and buying into driver’s education, you’ll do amazing on the road.