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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Don’t Become Another Statistic: The Importance of Driver’s Ed

Name: Claudia Aracelly Sanchez
From: Framingham, MA
Votes: 0

Don’t Become Another Statistic: The Importance of Driver’s Ed

As a high school student, I often drive to go to school, to get to my extracurricular activities, or to meet with my friends. Unfortunately, despite my brief driving experience, I have already witnessed firsthand my share of drivers ignoring traffic rules, swerving in and out of lanes, or even applying makeup or checking out their phones while driving. I’m also deeply saddened by the seemingly endless parade of daily news about tragic car accidents and lives lost. Careless driving must stop! I firmly believe that Driver’s Ed is one of the best tools for tackling these problems having completed the course as a requisite for my Junior driver’s license.

It’s exciting not to have our parents drive us everywhere and experience the thrill of driving with the windows down, listening to our favorite music on the car radio. But, as the saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility”. My Driver’s Ed course opened my eyes to how easy it is to fall prey to the temptations of fast and careless driving without thinking about the consequences. One statistic that first brought home the importance of being a responsible driver was learning that car accidents are the leading cause of death for my age group in the United States. I don’t need to see one of my family members or friends injured or killed in a car accident to know what must be done.

Both teenagers and adults need to learn to be responsible drivers. I applaud our local government and high school for making it a top priority to teach new drivers how to stay safe on the road. While we may consciously know the rules and may even roll our eyes when reminded, it is good to be drilled on the importance of obeying traffic laws, driving at safe speeds, and avoiding distractions like using our phones, eating or drinking while driving, or driving under the influence. We need to do everything possible to make our roads safe.

I propose Driver’s Ed would benefit from more interactive and engaging teaching methods. My Driver’s Ed “lectures” mainly consisted of watching driving safety videos on YouTube during the entire class. Although this experience was helpful, it would have been more instructive (and fun!) to have discussed real-life scenarios or even to have used computer simulations to help us better visualize and understand safe driving. I would also suggest that everyone take a refresher Driver’s Ed course every few years to reinforce the importance of good driving. In addition, cities should develop more awareness campaigns on proper driving and road safety to bring the message beyond the classroom. Social media campaigns, public service announcements, and partnerships with influencers could also help spread the message of safe driving to an even broader audience. Furthermore, law enforcement agencies and community non-profit organizations should develop adult programs to tackle the root causes of dangerous driving. At the moment, there are no places adults can go to improve their driving skills. Additionally, we should also take advantage of the newest car safety driving technologies, like adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and automatic emergency braking systems. Encouraging the accessibility and adoption of these technologies for drivers of all ages could be a game-changer in improving road safety.

As a good driver, I always follow traffic laws and act as the voice of reason to my family and friends when we’re in the car. I know I may come off as annoying, but the consequences of not taking action are too severe to ignore! I support laws that require hands-free devices while driving, impose heavy penalties on dangerous and distracted driving, and improve road maintenance and safety measures. I’ve seen the dangers of cars avoiding potholes or driving on poorly marked or poorly lit streets at night. I also appreciate the value of dedicated bike lanes and the use of speed bumps and traffic circles to discourage speeding and reckless driving.

Driver’s Ed plays a vital role in reducing traffic accidents and deaths. We must all take driving seriously and do our part to promote responsible driving. We cannot risk becoming another tragic car accident statistic! By applying the lessons and skills learned in Driver’s Ed, setting positive examples, and advocating for better road safety laws and infrastructure, we can all work together to keep our roads safe for everyone. We must always remember the impact that our actions have on the lives of others and our responsibility as drivers to protect not only ourselves but also those around us. As an upcoming college student, I am committed to continuing to use my education and influence to promote safe driving habits among my peers and the broader community.