Name: Tabitha Skuta
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Be A Smart Driver
Driver education is becoming more important each year. Many students are unaware of the benefits of taking driver education courses. In order to reduce the number of deaths, schools should provide required courses that students should take in school to really express the need of arriving alive and to help students get a good understanding of being behind a wheel. Driver courses allow students to learn information better because yes, parents are good teachers, but a good majority of students at some point tune out their parents when they are telling them information. I for one can vouch on not listening to my parents sometimes when they are telling me information. So who is to say that it is not the same case for parents teaching us students how to drive. When requiring driver’s education, sometimes hearing the same information from another person may be more beneficial. Plus, not every parent can be perfect when explaining certain topics. Since parents have been driving for so long they tend to forget some basic skills because they do it so often to a point that they do not think about it as much. Having a trained professional teach a course helps make sure that the students get all the information and guidance they possibly need to be a successful driver. It also helps students have better confidence behind the wheel and to have a solid grasp on the dos and don’ts of driving. I have been in a car accident and also know a handful of students who were in worse accidents than me. Being in an accident can be scary and overwhelming. Especially, when the car that hit you doesn’t have insurance or does a hit and run. In some other cases people freeze when they are in an accident and are not sure what steps they should take. Requiring drivers education in school and also informing students of the protocol on what to do in an accident is important especially with new drivers. It can also inform students about the safety of having insurance and it can also help parents feel less anxious when their kids are out on the road. Another thing that older drivers and new drivers can do is simply take their time and drive carefully and keep an eye on their surroundings. It takes no time for deer to run out in the road or a car to swerve especially when a car is going seventy miles an hour. It doesn’t take much to simply take your eyes off the road and if you need to check your phone pullover or whoever it is can wait. There have been way too many accidents with distracted drivers who were on their phone. Be safe behind a wheel and in order to do that people need to do two things; take a drivers education course, and to be responsible behind the wheels of a vehicle. In other words no alcohol, drugs, or phone while operating a vehicle. Too many people just think that being on a phone while driving is no big deal when compared to drinking and doing drugs when in reality phones are one of the biggest factors in car accidents. It’s important to be safe on the road and to pass the news about driver safety to friends and family who may need to hear it again or for the first time.
Overall, drivers education courses can teach students way more than parents because as much as we love our parents they can be forgetful. When it comes to driving we can not risk forgetting valid and super important pieces of information. Not when our lives and others could be at risk. Learning the rules of the road and also other advice from trained people can help prepare students for the road. I am not saying that your parents are bad teachers, they can teach you how to drive, but you should also take drivers education to also backtrack and be over prepared for driving. It is way better to be over prepared for driving than underprepared. When I was a freshman in high school my school did away with driver’s education for some reason and I had to learn from my parents and an app to prepare me for the road. I wished I was forced to take a drivers education class when I was first learning. I learned the hard way and wrecked and also wrote a report about distracted driving. I do not want other people to have to wreck in order to learn.