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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Drive Safely Save A Life

Name: Kepzia Santillan Catano
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Drive Safely Save A Life

Driver education is extremely important if we want to see a decrease in the number of deaths as a result of driving. There is a serious amount of people who drive around, not knowing the large responsibility that comes with driving, they do not realize the number of lives they are responsible for. Teenagers especially fail to understand the dangers of not following the law when driving, driving under the influence, not following the speed limit, etc. they have the mindset that an accident “will not happen to them” right up until the point when it, unfortunately, happens to them. People are attached to their phones and feel the need to check them every second not realizing that one second is all it takes for an accident to occur. People think it’s only one drink, nothing will happen not knowing one drink is all it takes. People think the speed limit is too slow not realizing it is set to that speed for a reason. Driver education is important because people fail to see the reason for many of the laws and regulations thinking they are there for no reason.

Many things can be done to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving. Schools can give lessons or have some sort of class that helps students realize the things that can happen when they are behind the wheel. They can present students with different cases in which a tragic accident occurred behind a wheel and the consequences they had to face due to such an accident. The accidents shown could be accidents that happen when under the influence, and the consequences that come with those actions. They should help people understand how bad a DUI is and the consequences they have even after years have passed. Along with giving classes on why they should not drive under the influence, there should be classes and explanations on why road safety laws exist, why you are not allowed to use your phone when driving, or why there are speed limits. People fail to realize that an accident does not only end up with the loss of a car, a life can be lost not only leaving a person’s family with grief but changing both parties involved lives completely. People need to understand that death can be a consequence of driving recklessly and that their lives could completely change in a matter of seconds. They need to realize that if accidents can be avoided they should be avoided.

In my family there was a death that happened due to unsafe driving, Jesus better known as Chuy. Chuy passed away in December 2018 after being involved in a tragic driving accident on his motorcycle. Chuy had gone to a party with friends and made the choice to drink alcohol and regardless of having alcohol in his system he chose to drive home thinking nothing could happen. Unfortunately on the way home, there was terrible fog making his vision blur even more and he did not make it home. He was taken to the hospital immediately, but he did not make it. He was diagnosed brain dead leaving his family with no other decision but to disconnect him from life support and mourning his death. A night out and a couple of drinks were all it took for his life to be taken away, that was all it took for a mother to lose her son. I am sure that Chuy would not have wanted to see his mom suffer the way he did and that if he could come back and choose to not drink he would not have to do so in an instant.

Today I can say that because of past experiences and accidents in my family, I do not drive under the influence. I have come to realize the things that can happen while doing so, I try to help my friends and those around me of the possible consequences of doing so. Although I am good with not driving under the influence and realizing the consequences that can happen for doing so I can be better at following the speed limit and avoiding using my phone when driving. Many people think that one quick look at their phone will not cause an accident and unfortunately, all it takes is just one second, one distraction and an accident can occur. I can become better at realizing this myself and put my phone away completely when driving to avoid distractions. We must try to not only drive safely but also encourage others to do the same.