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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Responsibly

Name: Emily Taylor
From: Dayton, Tennessee
Votes: 0

Driving Responsibly

A newly-licensed driver squeals as she opens her belated birthday present. A set of car keys that enables her to drive herself wherever she wants without waiting on her parents. A week later, she decides to drive from her friend’s house at midnight after watching a movie. She yawns as she activates the engine and starts driving. Lights are far down the road. She turns out in front of the car, which is closer than her sleep-deprived brain thought. Driver education is important to the safety of all on the road, drivers and passengers. A single mistake can drastically throw chaos in a matter of seconds. Education is key to preventing deaths on the road. Educating drivers in the safest possible ways to maneuver a large machine will reduce the amount of deaths caused by irresponsible driving. Activating your turn signal or properly adjusting the rear-view mirror are actions that could prevent an accident that could end in a life-or-death situation. Making sure each person knows the responsibility they’re taking into their hands whenever they drive will help them understand how important it is to be alert while driving. Driving may be boring, but death is worse than being bored. Most drivers don’t understand how many deaths are caused by a simple mistake. Checking your phone while you’re on the interstate because you got a text from your crush may result in your crush never seeing you alive and breathing again in this world. Taking steps to reduce deaths caused by reckless or irresponsible driving is important to the safety of all. One step could be offering preventative programs for drivers about how to control road rage or what to do in situations like a broken stoplight. A school class specifically for new drivers could be offered during and after hours to gain confidence without cockiness. Another step could be adding more safety features to cars. Assuredly, machines cannot take the place of a human being, but it can prevent careless mistakes. For instance, adding a feature where the engine cannot start until the seat belt is fastened may save lives. Technology may become advanced enough to ensure the belt is arranged properly for maximum functionality. A last step to prevent a driver from losing attention on the road could be to develop an app that prevents any kind of interaction with your phone other than the microphone. A driver wouldn’t be tempted to pick up their phone, because it would be impossible to get in! There are precautions you can take to be a better driver and prevent the deaths of you, your passengers, and others on the road. Be aware of everything whenever you are driving. Ignoring the car “parked” in the side road you’re about to pass may end up in a wreck because they think they can pass in front of you. Never assume somebody will wait for you or follow the law. Don’t make the decision to drive whenever you aren’t feeling your best. Never drive while on medicine, low sleep, or other situations where your brain isn’t working at its full potential. You may think it is going to be okay, since it is just 10 minutes, but all it takes is one person to drive out in front of you. Don’t push your limits and luck. Just because you successfully threaded through a group of slow cars doesn’t mean you’ll be able to do it again. Confidence is good, but overconfidence ends up in situations you can never undo. Being in a car accident will change how you view the driving world and inspire you to be a safer driver. I personally have not been in a car accident with another car. The only time I have been in a car crash is when my mom hit a deer during the night going up the mountain. It was one of the accidents that happens no matter how many precautions you take. I have seen several drivers using their phones while driving or sitting at a stop light. If you’re distracted, the chances of crashing increase. Without the education to teach you how to drive safely, all on the road are in danger: the one driving, the passengers, the other drivers, and the other passengers. Technology cannot replace the intelligence of a human being. Your decision to drive while your brain isn’t functioning properly may affect dozens of people. You may have lived through an accident caused by a careless mistake, but it doesn’t mean you will survive it if you make that mistake again. Be safe while driving, and don’t endanger lives!