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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Education

Name: Kassandra Darlene Sims
From: Truro, IA
Votes: 0

Drivers Education

When taking a driver’s education gives you skills, knowledge, car maintenance, confidence, and defensive driving techniques, and when learning how to drive safely you can reduce the number of accidents that occur when people take that driver’s course. Driving is a skill that can take a lot of knowledge and experience it’s important for everyone that is getting behind the wheel. Taking a driver’s education can reduce car accidents by 4.3% and 40% of convictions. You can seek higher experience in driving and also road test preparation. About 7 teens die every day and about 1.2 million die a year. When driving you to need these traits such as responsibility, memory, driving etiquette, increasing driving safety, and confidence. Also if you are in an accident you would know that the best option to take is when in an accident you understand how and what you need to do in an accident.

Steps you can take to limit accidents are when you get in a vehicle make sure your passenger and you have seatbelts and also make sure the driver has his or her phone away. Also before getting in the vehicle fix the radio or anything that distracts you before you start driving. You don’t wanna drive when you’re upset or in a bad mood cause that can distract you from driving in good condition. When getting in a vehicle and you have been drinking make sure you have a friend or get a taxi to drive you home that hasn’t been drinking. But overall drunk driving, distracted driving, reckless driving, and road rage because when people get behind the wheel they don’t think about who they could be killing a family or a police officer by their choices of driving.

Yes, I have been in a car accident but there were no injuries luckily. But we came back from picking up a load and we were on a gravel road we came up to an icy curve and the vehicle spun around and made a full circle and landed in a ditch. Yes, my mom when she drives she doesn’t really care and sometimes she will be distracted doing something and then she will cause to skid off the side of the road a little and get back onto the road again. She sometimes even drives recklessly because she is upset and believes she needs to die. I see so many people driving recklessly for no reason and that can lead to car accidents. 76% of people are reckless every day when driving. There is about an average of 1,500 people injured or killed each year due to aggressive driving or reckless driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death in people aged 16-24 years old. Drivers Education can reduce the risks of accidents by teaching students rules of the road, defensive driving, techniques, and how you can control your vehicle in an emergency or under diffrent conditions.

There are ways to help you become a safer and better driver such as always checking and paying attention to everything around you when driving. Think in emergency situations, and be prepared for the unexpected. Check everything ahead of you at all times the traffic lights, signals, if there are children ahead or people riding a bike in front of you. Give cars a special distance to ensure no accidents are caused and so you can alert yourself in emergencies. Be responsible don’t do anything dumb that can cause an accident. It can teach you safer ways such as the importance of wearing seatbelts, obeying speed limits, and avoiding any distractions while driving.

Overall driver education is a very important course that can help lead you to safe driving and can reduce huge risks when driving. Driver’s education can save many lives and be very impactful to give you new skills in driving and it can have a huge impact on safe driving. It can help build your skills throughout when driving. Skills can include defensive driving techniques, basic car maintenance, and the ability to understand traffic laws/signs. It can reduce the number of accidents on our roads and improve road safety. It can be a valuable investment in their future or in their future community. It can also be beneficial because it can reduce the cost of car insurance. Also, you can feel more confident when behind the wheel and when you are driving. This is why driver’s education should be an essential part of the educational system.