Name: Olivia Danielle Russell
From: Carterville , IL
Votes: 0
The Importance of Driver Education
The importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is that a driver education can provide good defensive driving techniques and instructions of different types of accidents and it can also reduce the chance that an accident can happen. If students are aware of what to do to prevent future accidents and what could happen to them or other people if there is an accident, then they will be more cautious when driving. In my opinion, there are 5 steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths relating to driving. The first step that I believe will work is always make sure your passengers buckle up, as well as yourself. By passengers having their seatbelts on, it can reduce the extent of the injuries in a car accident or even death. The next one that I believe is the most important is never get behind the wheel if you are impaled by alcohol or other drugs. Even one drink of alcohol can impair your driving. In the state that I live, Illinois, the legal limit for intoxication is a blood alcohol level of 0.8. Once drivers get over the 0.10 range of BAC, then drivers will start experiencing blurred vision, loss of balance and coordination, etc. To continue on the last step, another step is always make sure you have a designated driver, when you are drinking or doing any type of drug. Having a designated driver makes sure that you make it to destinations safely without being under the influence. Now, I’m not saying that there isn’t a chance of getting in a car accident without being under the influence, but the likelihood is a lot lower. Step number 4 is never believe that it is good to multitask while driving. When I think of people multitasking while driving, I think of texting while driving. If you need to text someone or call someone, pull off the side of the road in a safe spot and complete the call or message, never do it while driving. The last step that I believe can reduce the amount of deaths related to driving is never think it is good to speed just because you are running late or even just speeding in general. Drive at a speed that you feel comfortable with and believe is safe. Don’t make other people feel like you have to increase your speed for reasons like, running late or the car behind you is on your butt. Also with speeding always make sure you are driving safely due to the conditions that are present, snow or rain. I personally have been fortunate enough to not experience a car accident, there have been times where it has been close. For example, one time someone ran a stop sign and another time when someone was trying to change lanes and they didn’t check their blind spot and almost hit me, so I had to hit the brakes hard. On top of that, I had to make sure the car behind me didn’t rear end me because I had to hit the brakes so hard. I have, however, seen some of my friends drive irresponsibly. After a night out, I am always the designated driver. There are times when I have to force people into my car and say that they aren’t driving because they are wanting to drive under the influence. Never in any certainstance should anyone drive under the influence and my friends know better than that, so I was very upset with them that night. There are 4 steps in my opinion that can make yourself and other people safer on the road. The first step is always keeping your hands on the steering wheel in the right places, until you are more comfortable with something else. Place your hands at 2 and 10 or either 9 and 3 or 8 and 4. What this will allow the driver to do is have more control and stability when you are driving a vehicle. The next step is to make sure and adjust your mirror to see your blindspots. In many cases, there are many wrecks due to the driver not being able to see the car beside them. Don’t bother speeding, there is never a need to speed. All that will occur when you speed is either the driver will get pulled over or they will cause an accident. The last step is to never drive if you are sleepy or under the influence, and as well as keep your mind off of distractions. The danger of texting and drinking while driving are the main causes for car accidents in today’s society and have been for a while. Overall, there are many easy steps that you as a driver can take to ensure the safety of other people while driving.