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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of Driving Education

Name: Klarissa Heberlie
From: Farmington, Missouri
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving Education

232.8 million people own a driver’s license in 2021 according to Of those 232.8 million people, how many of these drivers were properly taught how to drive? How many of these people drive irresponsibly? There are many problems with driver’s licenses and driving education. The real question is how we can lower the number of car wrecks and deaths involving motorized vehicles. One simple answer could be to require driver education. Although many people may not want to be taught how to drive by an instructor, this could potentially lower the deaths caused by wrecks each year drastically. If driver’s education was enforced across the nation this could lower the number of deaths, lower irresponsible drivers, and create safer drivers.

Driving education may be something that no one wants to do, but could this simple class help lower car-related deaths in America? “In the United States, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) projects there were an estimated 42,915 traffic fatalities in 2021”(Simon). Over 42,000 people were killed in car wrecks in 2021, which was a 10% increase from the year before. Most of these deaths are teens from the ages of 13 to the age of 18. If driving school was required for all new drivers this could possibly help lower the amount of deaths due to car wrecks. As said previously, the US has many motor-related accidents which lead to the death of one or more people. This is a major problem due to all the deaths related to cars that could potentially be prevented by driver education.

Many motor accidents that have happened could have been prevented if there were certain precautions set in place. Many car wrecks happen because of one of the following: improper use of seatbelts, drunk or intoxicated driving, speeding, or even reckless driving. The majority of these wrecks could easily be prevented through either harsher law enforcement or either driving education. The reason these precautions should be taken is that over 21,000 people were killed in 2021 due to motor incidents. Increasing the law enforcement for driving laws could help lower the number of wrecks each year. Another way that could possibly lower the number of wrecks is driving education. So if these precautions are set in place the number of wrecks could decrease drastically.

Although I personally have never been in a car wreck I do know other people who have been through these horrible experiences of car wrecks. Recently I knew someone who was in a very serious car wreck where her leg was completely crushed and broken. Another motor accident was someone that was from the area who was hit by a car, which led to his leg being amputated. Car wrecks are a major problem that can ruin a person’s life in seconds either by a minor or very serious injury or even death. Irresponsible driving is one of the major sources that creates car wrecks which can result in death. Irresponsible driving is something that needs to be stopped before it ruins everyone’s life because this is a major problem that has serious consequences.

There are many ways for irresponsible driving to be stopped but one person can only do so much. Steps that people can take is just to be responsible when driving, which means slowing down because there is no point in speeding. Stop drinking and driving, once people drink there is no way they can even be responsible enough to drive. Driving is a great source of transportation but there are many problems due to the driving of other people which can make driving dangerous. As long as people take responsibility and be responsible when it comes to driving this can already help lower the number of wrecks each year.

Driving education is an important topic to talk about because car wrecks are a major reason for deaths across America. If America was able to enforce driver education this could help lower the number of wrecks, increase responsibility for drivers, and create a safer driving environment for everyone else. Through conducting research for this essay I have learned how much wrecks hurt the population and how much they increase the death rate each year. So if the US enforced driver education this could help lower the number of irresponsible drivers and help lower the number of deaths that result from car wrecks. So just imagine how much safer driving could be if certain precautions were taken and enforced.