Name: Maria Isabel Lopez Echeverry
From: Naples, FL
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Awareness and Habit Changes for Safe Driving
On the topic of safe driving it is almost impossible to not blame our phones. They have become such commodity that we pick them up casually, while we are driving. Momentarily forgetting that not only we are on the road, but the people in our cars, even ourselves are single-handily the most important reason to be careful. We can also blame drinking and driving as a cause of unsafe driving, and casualties. Ways to prevent unsafe driving, all leads to education and preventative education to try to reduce the amount unsafe driving and possible deaths.
On a casual road trip my friends and I headed to New York from Newport, Rhode Island, while working a summer season. It was my friends birthday, we were headed to the “Met” Museum, and to eat noodles in Chinatown-obviously. We were all excited, having casual conversations, even taking naps on the drive there. When suddenly we were brutally stopped when a semi-truck shifted from the right lane, onto our lane. The impact alone, caused the car to spin and head for the median. Unsure of how we stopped facing the opposite direction of the last traffic lane, without any major damage; was pretty-much a miracle. All that was left, was chattered glass, a totaled car, minor bruises and little to hope to go eat noodles. After the car report, the other driver reluctantly admitted to be distracted while driving because he was checking his phone. This was a luckily not a tragic accident, and yes-we made it to the noodles .
But, what does it say about- other people that are not so fortunate to tell this story? Most of these accidents happen in an instance, when drivers are distracted or are in a rush. Although, many car insurances, have provided incentive programs to create safety around driving. Like: cameras that monitor how they drive, alarm systems warning when a certain a speed limit has been reached. These programs create an incentive but driver education, is at the core of preventing any further deaths. If people have awareness of safety driving tips, they will implement them in their driving. Education can be provided to drivers as early as they start getting their license. Teaching them the importance of keeping space between a car in front of them, especially when its raining. Holding off to answer a text until they reach their destination. Pull-over in safe spot when they need to speak on their phone, or even when they want to eat. Or making extra time to buy food, or put gas in the car, this is especially important because once we feel we are in a rush, we speed. In the case of people with children, having small toys that attach to their seats, keeping them buckled-up. Another key habit, is if someone is tired and driving, they could stop at a rest stop or, plan their trip so they enough rest before driving again. Some of the habits that I have implemented in becoming a safe driver is anticipating, some of things that may cause me to be distracted. For example, listening to music and wanting to change the song. Instead changing the song while driving I created a playlist, that plays for the duration of my drive. And connecting my phone to the Bluetooth system, so I can pick-up with a touch of a button on my steering wheel instead of looking down at my phone.
In relation to drinking and driving, preventative education can help people to understand the lifestyle changes that come with getting a DUI. From a perspective of a friend that received a DUI. Some of the consequences include: breathing to device on her steering wheel, to measure if there is any alcohol in her breath before her car can turn on. Her insurance rate when from a normal price, to triple the price as a penalty for drunk driving. She also has to check-in with an officer monthly to monitor is she is not drinking and driving. She also accrued, court fees and penalties. This story alone, would cause me to think twice about drinking and driving, since I would not want to lose my independence or any extra money. In addition to possibly causing an accident, while drunk driving and be responsible for causing someone’s death. If someone is out drinking], it’s important to have a designated driver, or a planned uber/taxi to pick-them up instead of having the responsibility of driving.
Driver education, awareness and change of habits are the success of driving safe.