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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Rules for a Reason

Name: Jolie Flash
From: West Hartford, Connecticut
Votes: 0

Rules for a Reason

Cars and automated vehicles are highly dangerous despite being a good means of transportation. A car traveling at 35 miles per hour is almost always guaranteed to severely injure a human being or kill a child. However, there is no reason for cars to be so morbid. Driver education is taught to all licensed individuals in order to prevent such accidents from occurring. Many laws are put into place and revised yearly in order to improve the safety of all those on the road both in vehicles and out. With driver education, things such as seat belt laws have been adjusted and improved. Studies are constantly being done in order to ensure the safety of all drivers and others. Cars manufacturers have many regulations as well which helps maintain the safety of all individuals. The more drivers understand how dangerous driving impaired, distracted, or unlawfully can be the more chances everyone has of saving lives. Driver education has the ability to not only instill fear in individuals to cause fewer accidents but to also teach the importance of being safe.

Currently, many laws and regulations are put in place by the government for different types of people. The car manufacturers, licensed drivers, different license types, age restrictions, and police checks help to keep many safe and far from death while on the road. The most common occurrence of deaths by driving is due to impaired driving. There are many current actions such as having one’s license revoked if caught, police patrolling, as well as speed bumps, and education. However, there are many people who ignore the rules not solely on impaired driving but also in distracted or fatigued driving. An effective method is having individuals tell survivors which common mistakes they make in driving that could cause a life-altering accident. Many feel embarrassed and guilty to say they text and drive to someone who was in an accident due to a drunk driver or a distracted driver. Another method that can reach more people is requiring a reteaching of rules and regulations as well as consequences when getting the license renewed or every two years. If individuals were to receive constant classes they may take the information and learn from it.

I have many friends and family members who are often distracted drivers. People eat behind the wheel, text behind the wheel, use their phones, put on makeup, and listen to overly loud music while flying down main roads or near school zones. Their actions are not only dangerous to me when I am in the car as a passenger but also to any pedestrians, mailboxes, property, and vehicles nearby. Many individuals do not realize the impact of cars and driving recklessly. Due to how fast a car is able to move and slow it stops things can turn from great to terrible and tragic within seconds. Lives are lost constantly due to carelessness and lack of attention to rules and quite simply the road. Speed limits and rules are made to keep everyone safe. If someone is late to an appointment or a meeting, it is better to be late than to explain to someone’s mother, father, sister, husband, or child that their loved one is dead because you were busy. “I’m sorry” will never cut it for the loss of a life. Cars are made with the ability to drive much faster than they should, which can be quite fun at times, however, day-to-day life was not made for handling 100 miles per hour.

Personally when driving with other people I make sure that I drive the speed limit for example, especially with those who are relatively young or new to driving. Stressing that speed is not the goal it is simply an option is very important. Being safe around everyone and driving for everyone, not just myself is important. By driving the speed limit in a one-lane road I am often able to keep seven to ten cars safer than they would be if they were driving normally. Roads and highways are a means of getting from place to place, and everyone needs to use them. There is a strong need to share and it is important that every individual drives safely. As a driver, I drive the speed limits and try to follow all the rules and regulations to a ‘t’ to the point where it is noticeable to others who are not in my vehicle. While many enjoy driving fast or would prefer to do other things while driving, I would rather be safe and slow than lose a life to reckless driving.