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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Making Our Streets Safer

Name: Malia Woehrle
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 0

Making Our Streets Safer

Driving is a common activity that most individuals engage in on a daily basis. Whether it’s commuting to work, school or running errands, driving has become an essential part of our society. However, with this increased use of automobiles comes the risk of accidents, which can result in serious injuries or even death. One way to reduce these numbers is through driver education. 

Driver education is important because it provides individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to safely operate vehicles on the road. Driver education courses teach individuals about the laws and regulations related to driving, defensive driving techniques, and the dangers of distracted driving. Through these courses, individuals learn how to anticipate, avoid, and handle potential hazards on the road. Furthermore, driver education teaches individuals about the importance of wearing seatbelts, obeying traffic signals and signs, as well as maintaining their vehicles properly. These skills and knowledge can reduce the risk of accidents and therefore save lives.

Another way to reduce the number of vehicle related deaths is through stricter laws and regulations. For example, laws that require individuals to wear seatbelts or to refrain from any portable electronic use while driving can reduce the risk of accidents. Not only this but laws that impose strict penalties on drunk driving or reckless driving can deter individuals from participating in these dangerous behaviors while behind the wheel. Additionally, technology can be used to prevent accidents. For instance, automated emergency braking systems, lane departure warning systems, and adaptive cruise control can help prevent accidents caused by driver error. However, these safety features are not always accessible due to cost. To combat this, car companies are beginning to make these features standard on their newer models. Other technology that can assist in reducing the number of vehicle deaths are cell phone apps that make it impossible for drivers to use their cell phones while a vehicle is in motion. These apps have a great impact on reducing driver distractions.

Last month I experienced a car accident for the first time in my life. Thankfully no one was injured, however it was still a scary experience. We were turning onto a highway access road and rear ended the car in front of us. This was not due to distracted driving but was a result of carelessness. If we had looked in front of us one more time before proceeding onto the access road, the entire accident could have been avoided. This happens more often than we think, but because everyone in our society drives so often, we forget how dangerous it is. Due to this, we should take courses as time goes on to remind ourselves of the power we hold behind the wheel, not just when initially learning to drive. When driving with friends and family members I have noticed times when they are distracted behind the wheel. More often than not, they don’t think anything of their actions. They want to change the song, check directions, or respond to a text. The best thing to do in these situations is to politely remind them that they can wait until parked or the passenger can offer to do it for them. Even if it seems scary to speak up, they will most likely be grateful for the gentle reminder. Therefore, it is important to say something when we witness distracted driving.

There are several steps I can take to become a better and safer driver. The first step is to enroll in driver education courses every couple of years. These courses will provide a refresher of the necessary knowledge and skills to safely operate my vehicle when on the road. I will also be able to spread this knowledge with my friends and family members. Another action I can take to become a safer driver is to practice defensive driving. Defensive driving involves staying alert and anticipating potential hazards on the road, maintaining a safe following distance from other vehicles when stopped and in motion, as well as being aware of the actions of drivers around me. The third step I can take is to avoid distracted driving. Whether I’m behind the wheel or it’s somebody I’m in the vehicle with, the driver should refrain from using phones or other devices and focus solely on the task of driving. In addition, I can always ensure that everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelts and always obeys traffic signs and signals. Furthermore, I can avoid driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol as this lowers my reaction time and leads to poor decision making. Not only should driving under the influence be avoided, but a vehicle should not be operated when tired. To prevent driving in these conditions, always implement a designated driver or call a trusted friend or Uber for a ride. Lastly, the most important thing I can do is to lead by example. When my friends and family members are in the car with me and see the safe practices I use, they will be encouraged to implement these practices when they are the ones behind the wheel.