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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Importance Of Driver’s Education

Name: Josie Wyant
From: Nashville, TN
Votes: 0

Importance Of Driver’s Education

You may see it everyday on your way to work, school, shopping or just driving around. Old, young, new, and experienced drivers are all taking charge on the roads around you. Mothers, sisters, fathers, and brothers get heart wrenching calls everyday experiencing a loss of a loved one or a catastrophe relating to driving. You may not think that this pertains to you or your family but that is where the change can start. Making sure family and friends are aware that driver’s education is available can not only be beneficial to them but others on the road. It can take less than a second to lose control behind the wheel of a vehicle. There is not much you can do in less than a second but being educated in the next steps as well as prevention can quite literally save lives.

Imagine yourself in a room with 34,000 people, now add their families,that is a fraction of the number of people impacted by driver related deaths each year in America. The death count of over 30,000 individuals by driving is more than the Mexican-American War, War in Afghanistan, War of 1812, Iraq War, and the American Revolutionary War in the US combat deaths combined. Your friends, family, classmates, co-workers, and many of the people you cross paths with may have been impacted. It is more than just statistics, it is the people around you. People that have lives, friends, and future ahead of them that no longer get the chance to experience what their life could have held. It is extremely important to model good driving behavior as that not only impacts yourself but many others around you.

Oblivion is the state of most Americans when it comes to the number of deaths and people impacted by drivers. Spreading awareness is the first step in decreasing the number of people impacted by driver related accidents and deaths. Most people are unaware of the proper procedures when it comes to driving. Maintaining focus, being aware of your surroundings, or even taking extra caution under certain weather conditions can make an impact. A change can not be made until it has been brought to one’s attention. A person can not improve their driving behavior if they do not know how to make the proper changes.

You never think it can happen to you, but it happens everyday. Have you ever gotten upset at another driver for not knowing the proper procedure on things such as merging, four way stops, or even stop signs. Some divers are simply unaware of the rules of the road. It is not uncommon to see drivers on their phone, not leaving the proper spacing between other cars, etc. All of these common issues can be resolved with the proper driver’s education. Driver’s education is not limited to any age group or any specific person. Most individuals go to primary school, middle school, high school and some go to college to best prepare for what their future will hold; these are deemed important points in peoples’ lives. People go to school to prepare themselves for knowledge they will need in the future, the same can apply to driver’s education.

Bringing awareness to what seems to be a dismissed issue can bring true impact not only to your communities but to the ones that surround you. Being informative regarding proper driving procedures such as looking further down the road to increase your reaction time, maintaining proper distance between vehicles, executing safe lane maneuvers, and adjusting your speed for weather conditions can all contribute to improving your driving behavior. The first step in making the change is speaking with your actions and providing others around you with the knowledge you have learned.

Unexpected things happen every single day, you may not be able to change the unexpected but you can better prepare yourself. Personal experience can impact people to start making the change. It is truly unforgettable experiencing loss or a catastrophe that shouldn’t have happened or one that could have been prevented. Having education on the road will provide you with better experiences on your commutes as well as the others around you. You can help prevent you or your family from contributing to the statistics of driver related deaths. No one wants to get the call experiencing loss or a catastrophe relating to driving, why not make the change while you can? Changes can show benefits to community members as well as the people closest to you.