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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education Initiative Award: In the Driver’s Seat Essay

Name: Breynne Wilkens
From: Chicago, Illinois
Votes: 0

Driver Education Initiative Award: In the Driver’s Seat Essay

Drivers education is a course that teaches students the rules of the road, while offering hands-on experience behind the wheel to prepare those looking to obtain a permit or license. This course is important because it gives students the knowledge that they need to know before driving.

Undoubtedly, this course is also important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving because this class is supposed to expose students to what they will experience when on the road. Students taking Drivers Ed classes are taught how to manage particular problems when placed in diverse settings such as weather, speeding, etc., and are taught the necessity of things such as “10 and 2”. That however, isn’t enough to prevent the deaths caused by driving. Based on my experience with a Drivers Ed course I feel as if Drivers Ed should go deeper into the usage of phones and driving. Two of the main reasons as to why people use their phones while driving is to either text, or check their social media. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020, there were 3,142 deaths due to distracted driving. If more people knew this information, more people would reconsider using their phones while on the road. Schools should start showing the statistics surrounding death and using your phone while driving to decrease the urge to check phones while driving. Plus, providing students with data from places such as the NHTSA, would make it easier for students to spread the word on the dangers of driving and phone usage because now they’ll have legit sources backing them up. But, then that also leads to my next suggestion. Drivers Ed courses should also incorporate a project based unit, where people look into the causes for deaths as a result of driving, one being phones, and then present their findings to the class. This would be so beneficial because now students are also going out of their way to find data on these issues, teaching themselves what they need to be aware of. Plus, this would help others gain new insight and information on not just this issue but many other issues revolving around phone usage and driving. Overall, if Drivers Ed courses were to get deeper into the usage of phones and driving and how that has and can affect so many people, this can help reduce the number of deaths due to the result of driving tremendously.

Although I do not think that anyone is the perfect driver, I am lucky enough to have never been in a car accident or a situation where a friend or family member was driving “irresponsibly”. This is because the people in my life are very cautious when it comes to driving simply because of the dangers that come along with driving recklessly. But, as someone who is eligible to drive I can find my own ways to improve my driving skills not only myself but those around me as well. I for one can definitely just practice on the road more. Due to the fact that I don’t drive as frequently as I should, I feel as though I cannot adequately assess my driving. But, although I don’t drive as much, that doesn’t stop me from being able to help others become safer drivers. My family and friends are well aware of the dangers of things such as texting and driving, but every now and then someone will pull out their phone for 5 seconds, whether that is to change a song, call someone back, or even check iMessage, and as a passenger I can do something about this. For starters, even though we know it’s not safe to do, I can simply just tell someone that’s not safe and why. This at least would let it be known to the driver that I’m not comfortable with that. But, I can also take it a step further. Instead of waiting for someone to pull out their phone while driving as I’m in the car, I can share information about car deaths on my social media. Although this isn’t the same as directly telling someone not to do that, it helps get the message out there that we can be safer drivers if we avoid doing certain things. Additionally, participating in scholarships, events, etc. similar to this one, could help me help others become safer drivers on the road because I’m spreading the word and doing my part to get others to consider these things, and do the same as me, which is spreading the word.

Overall, Drivers Education is a very important course that is needed for all students because not only does it teach us the rules of the road, but it can also help significantly reduce the number of traffic-related fatalities.