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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – You Don’t Realize it Until it’s Too Late

Name: Dacio Barbosa
From: Pasco, WA
Votes: 0

You Don’t Realize it Until it’s Too Late

Several of us do not realize how important it is to know the rules of the road. Many of us struggle to obtain the knowledge that we learn when we take driver’s ed. Now we simply struggle with following the laws of the road that are made for us to keep us safe. Now many of us do not follow them because we think they’re unnecessary and do not have a purpose or simply just forget about them. Driver education is not only going to teach us the basics of driving because most of us can figure that out, but it will teach you how to drive in certain weather, how to go through busy areas, and what to do in certain emergencies. I live in the Tri-Cities in Washington and snow and ice sometimes occur in the winter. Now, most people who have to take the driver’s education know how to navigate in that type of weather and would know what to do if they got in a scary situation due to them taking driver’s education. When I drive down to Prosser and it snows there are always cars on the side of the road that was going too fast and crashed or spun out due to them not knowing what to do in an emergency. Drivers’ education is very important, and you may think it is a waste of time or a waste of money but taking it can benefit you and help you be safer on the road so you can continue living your life and using the money and time that you were given.  

            Distractions are a big problem when it comes to driving and is a big reason why car accidents happen. Money is a big thing in this world especially when you can save some of it. Car insurance can be a big bill that needs to be paid but if there were a way that you could save some money and it involved just driving the right way people would. Car insurance companies have apps that can track your phone when you’re on it, can track when you’re braking hard, accelerating fast, and traveling at high speeds. These apps can detect when you’re doing these things and not driving safely, when and if you are driving safely as in never being distracted by your phone or driving unsafe the insurance company gives you a discount. If most car insurance companies take a step like this and drivers follow through and download the apps these can be steps that can be taken for the roads to be safer and lead to fewer fatal car accidents.  

            When I am in the car with some of my family members most of them are distracted and not by the passage, but by their being on their phones. I witness most of my family members that I am with while they are driving are always being distracted by their phones and having to text back right then and there. Other ways I have witnessed family members drive irresponsibly are simple and I feel like the most common, is speeding. Speed limits are there to keep the roads safe and most like to test the limits due to them not being able to time manage properly. Another thing is the person next to you in the car. They can be very helpful at times, however, can be another distraction to the driver. Many people lose concentration on the road when they are in a conversation with the person next to them or trying to complete a task with them. My family members are very guilty of this one.  

            The biggest way that I can help keep the roads safe is to eliminate all the distractions that take my concentration from the road. Meaning I set the music that I want to listen to before I take off and leave my phone down for the rest of the drive. Steps that I can take that help others are not to be that distracting passenger. I can make sure that I do not take the driver’s focus off the road. A big step that I can take as well as following the speed limit and keeping the driver accountable for following the speed limit when I am the passenger. A big rule that should be followed is the 3 to 4-second rule. This rule is to make sure you give enough space from the car in front so that if an emergency would have happened, I would have time to react. All in all, the main reason this essay is here for you to read is to realize that you can keep your life and not die in a fatal car crash when you are following the road laws that are in place and just being a simple safe driver. You may not change any of your bad habits now, but you should before it’s too late.