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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Smarter Drivers Are Safer Drivers

Name: Alex Reeves
From: Lithia, Florida
Votes: 0

Smarter Drivers Are Safer Drivers

In the year 2020, 3,098 people in the state of Florida lost their lives in fatal car crashes. Research at the American Automobile Association’s Traffic Safety Division says that between 25-50% of all motor car accidents are caused by distracted driving. Edgar Snyder and Associates says texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. Traveling at 55 mph, that’s enough time to travel the length of a football field. That 5 seconds you take to answer to your phone can be the difference between life and death for anybody around you on the road at that given moment, that’s terrifying.

Studies have shown that texting while driving increases the risk of accidents and injuries. In fact, it has been reported that texting while driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. Many countries have banned texting while driving or imposed strict penalties for doing so, recognizing the serious risks associated with this dangerous behavior. Stricter driving laws can have a positive impact on road safety, driver behavior, and the environment. By enforcing these laws, we can create a safer and more responsible driving culture, benefiting everyone who uses our roads. Stricter driving laws can help improve road safety by reducing the number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. For example, laws mandating the use of seat belts, banning the use of cell phones while driving, and requiring the use of child safety seats have all been shown to reduce the number of traffic accidents and injuries. Tougher penalties for traffic violations, such as higher fines and license suspensions, can act as a deterrent and encourage drivers to comply with traffic laws. This can lead to a reduction in dangerous and reckless driving behaviors, which can help make the roads safer for everyone. Not only could we enforce stricter laws for the safety of people, but we could enforce laws for a better environment. Stricter laws around vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency can help reduce pollution and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Driver education is important because it helps promote road safety, reduces risks, and provides individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to be responsible and safe drivers. Driver education teaches individuals the skills and knowledge necessary to operate a vehicle safely on the road. This includes understanding traffic laws, recognizing potential hazards, and learning defensive driving techniques. A good driver education program can help build confidence behind the wheel, which can be especially important for inexperienced drivers who may be nervous or unsure of themselves on the road. Drivers who have received formal education are less likely to be involved in accidents or receive traffic violations. This is because they have a better understanding of how to handle different driving situations and are more aware of potential risks on the road. Driver education can help individuals develop good decision-making skills, which are critical when driving. By learning how to assess different situations and make informed choices, drivers are better equipped to avoid accidents and drive safely. Many states require young drivers to complete a certain number of hours of driver education before they can obtain a driver’s license. In these cases, completing a driver education program is necessary to comply with the law and obtain a license.

Personally, I have never been in a car crash or known anybody who has been in major life-changing car crashes. I will keep this the case by reminding me and others of basic traffic rules, I can be a safer driver by just following traffic laws. The basic rules set in place are good enough to put drivers safe on the road, the problem is they are easy to break. I can be a better driver by remembering and reminding others of these rules, staying focused on the road, and avoiding any distractions such as using your phone, eating, or changing the radio station. Always obey traffic laws such as traffic signals, speed limits, and yield signs. These rules are in place to keep you and others safe. Make sure you and all passengers always wear seatbelts. Seatbelts are essential for protecting you in the event of an accident. Regularly maintain your vehicle to ensure that it is in good condition. This includes checking your brakes, tires, and lights. Always maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you. This gives you enough time to react if they suddenly stop or slow down. Avoid aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, speeding, or cutting off other drivers. These actions can lead to accidents. Always be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Basic rules like these are enough to make the streets a safer place.