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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of Driver’s Education and Forming Safe Driving Habits from a Young Age

Name: Logan Carlson
From: West Terre Haute, Indiana
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Education and Forming Safe Driving Habits from a Young Age

I am sure we have all had experiences of improper and unsafe driving, whether we be the ones in the driver’s seat, a passenger, or an observer. However, it seems that many of us still do not practice proper driving techniques and safety, even after experiencing dangerous situations. This is concerning, as over 45,000 people die each year from driving, making it more dangerous than homicides and firearms in the United States (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). This is alarming because many other topics involving injury and death, I.e., smoking, firearms, etc., are talked about far more than motor vehicle deaths. The worst part of it all, is that many driving related deaths could have been avoided had one or more drivers practiced proper driving safety.

For example, over 3,000 people are killed each year due to distracted driving (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Distracted driving ranges from texting on your phone, to changing the radio station, to talking with passengers in the vehicle. All these activities can wait until after you drive. Had people shown more patience while driving, many accidents, 3,000 to be more specific, could have been avoided. This goes to show that we cannot be told enough about how dangerous distracted driving is. Another major cause of accidents is speeding. Speeding accounts for the largest percentage of accidents, as according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is the cause of about 29% of all car related deaths annually. Speeding is, like distracted driving, very avoidable. While people have many different excuses for speeding, whether it be that they are running late or that they just enjoy driving quickly, it does not justify their actions. When speeding accounts for almost 30% of all motor vehicle fatalities, it is something that should be taken much more seriously.

Now, I have discussed many of the current issues related to driving, and how many car accidents and deaths are avoidable. So, what is the solution? Well, the best solution seems to be proper driver education. According to a study done by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, drivers’ education has shown fantastic results in lower accidents. Teenagers (16-19 years old), who have a fatal crash rate three times higher than any other age group (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), that have not gone through drivers’ education were 24% more likely to be involved in an accident that was fatal or injury-inducing (University of Nebraska-Lincoln). This means that students who had not undergone drivers’ education had almost 25% more accidents, which is quite significant. Also, teenagers who had not undergone drivers’ education were 75% more likely to get a ticket, which is significant because poor driving behaviors often persist.

My solution to reducing the number of vehicle related deaths is to require teenagers and new drivers to undergo a drivers’ education course. By improving the education of young drivers, we can hopefully cut out the problem at the source, so to speak. If we can teach proper driving techniques, like following speed limits, especially under poor weather circumstances, and driving without distractions, then we could hopefully reduce the overall number of accidents and fatalities. This should work, not only because teenagers are involved in a considerable number of accidents, but also because people often remember what is taught to them early on. If we can teach people to practice proper safety behind the wheel when they are young, then it will hopefully persist as they continue throughout their lives.

In conclusion, I believe that by requiring new drivers to undergo drivers’ education, we can greatly reduce the number of car accidents and deaths. The statistics and evidence show that drivers’ education is successful, so we need to continue pushing forward with it and emphasizing its importance. Hopefully, by teaching teenagers proper safety when they are young, we can decrease the number of accidents and deaths when they become older, as they remember what they were originally taught. Drivers’ education is extremely important in ensuring road safety, and should continue to be pursued in the future, as the writing is on the wall. Drivers’ education works and it will only become more prevalent in the future.

Works Cited

Distracted Driving.” NHTSA,

FastStats – Homicide.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18 Jan. 2023,

University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Web Developer Network. “Study: Driver’s Ed Significantly Reduces Teen Crashes, Tickets.” Study: Driver’s Ed Significantly Reduces Teen Crashes, Tickets | News Releases | University of Nebraska-Lincoln,’s+ed+significantly+reduces+teen+crashes,+tickets.