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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The Education of Driving

Name: Jennifer Knepper
From: Cascade, Iowa
Votes: 0

The Education of Driving

Decisions can be like car accidents, sudden and full of consequences,” Allison Glock. Decisions are in our every day life, and the most important decision while driving is to drive safely. Death in a car accident can be prevented. There is no reason the death rate from accidents should be at high numbers, and still rising. The way people can avoid these accidents is to not only educate teens but adults too about driving safety. To ensure education is valid throughout the adult years, drivers tests should be required every couple of years to make sure everyone still knows the law. Personally, drinking and driving has affected my life and if there was better education, it wouldn’t be a big affect. A way to educate all people on driving safety is to play educational videos at gas pumps while people fill their cars. To reduce the number of deaths from car accidents, there must be proper education for all drivers, and a way to ensure the education is remembered.

Teaching young teenagers to drive is predominant to reducing the number of deaths each year. Teenagers will be the future, and because they are the future, learning the proper way to drive is key to making sure people do not die in accidents. According to the website The Barnes Firm, “More than 2,500 teens are killed every year in car accidents” (2022TheBarnesFirm). Reckless driving takes away lives of practical children because they are not properly educated. If properly educated in drivers ed, or even in driving tests, the death rate of not only teens but adults would decrease. Young teenagers are the world’s future, if educated properly, and if people follow certain steps, death rates in car accidents will be reduced.

There are different steps that people can take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. The obvious step would be to take drivers classes, but there should be more than just driver classes. Adults should have to re-take drivers tests every couple of years to ensure that they still know the rules of driving—and new rules. If adults do not know the basics of driving, or happen to forget, the problem of death will occur. Texting and drinking while driving should also be talked about more to educate the dangers. A small step to take for education the danger of texting is to teach people how to turn on driving mode with their phones. That way, distractions will be limited. People are getting more addicted to their phones, and if nothing is done about texting and driving, the death rate will stay the same. For drunk driving, the step of giving more restriction in bars is important. Bartenders should be on the lookout for drunk drivers, and find a way to get these people home safely. Personally, I see people driving drunk more than I should.

I have never been in an accident myself, but I have heard of people getting in accidents, and I see reckless driving. In my family, drinking is a habit that is hard to break. The habit of drinking happens to occur at the bar and grill of our small town, and my family members think after a few drinks driving is still okay. I do not agree with this, and if a member of my family decides to drunk drive and ends up getting someone else killed, there will never be forgiveness. Drunk driving not only puts them in danger, but also everyone on the road. I always nominate myself to drive when there is drinking involved. There are important steps I must take to prevent people I know from driving irresponsibly.

To be a safer driver on the road, and assure other people do the same, teaching about driving is important to educate the dangers of irresponsible driving. I think that at every gas station, instead of playing random ads at the pump, the ads should be educating people on the dangers of driving reckless and the laws of driving. Not enough people are educated before they get behind the wheel, and that is extremely dangerous. Everyone needs gas to drive (charging stations too), and is the best way to get out the message.

Driver education is the way to prevent deathly car accidents. There should be education everywhere people look, and it should be tested every couple of years. Once everyone is educated on driving, the death rate will decrease. The hardest problem to prevent will be texting and driving. Everyone is becoming more addicted to their phones, and if not prevented, there will be no way to reverse the addiction. Nothing is more important than keeping your eyes on the road.

Works Cited

2022TheBarnesFirm. (2022, September 23). Do teenagers cause more car accidents than adults? The Barnes Firm. Retrieved March 21, 2023, from,every%20year%20in%20car%20accidents