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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Safely: A Responsibility We All Share

Name: Madeleine Milner
From: Allen, TX
Votes: 0

Driving Safely: A Responsibility We All Share

As someone who has been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, I understand the importance of education in ensuring safe driving practices. For individuals with autism spectrum disorder, driving can present unique challenges, and it is essential to be equipped with the necessary skills to navigate the road safely. We often find comfort in our routines as they help us cope with our brand of neurodivergence. Following rules can bring a sense of relief and comfort to us. We can struggle with concentration though, or could become easily distracted. Being aware of these issues can be the first step in overcoming them.

For those without my disorder, driving can present its own challenges. In today’s world, there are so many things that seek our attention and attempt to distract us. Education can be the key to becoming aware of the types of distractions and dangers that drivers could otherwise avoid.

As of 2021, car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States, with around 2,375 teen drivers aged 15-19 dying in car crashes and an estimated 260,000 sustaining nonfatal injuries in 2019 alone, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Additionally, NHTSA reports that alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the US in 2019, resulting in the loss of 10,142 lives.

These statistics became more real to me when my parents had a near miss while driving recently. As they drove down the road, a distracted driver gunned his gas and tried to cross and turn left directly in front of my parents’ oncoming car. My mother’s quick response and ability to stay focused while driving prevented what could have been a much worse accident. Still, the result was the total loss of our family car, all because of a distracted driver. I’m very thankful for my mother’s quick response and that all the drivers were unharmed in the accident.

For others, there is often a lack of understanding or disregard for traffic laws and safe driving practices. Driver education is essential in reducing these deaths by providing individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate a vehicle safely. This education should cover everything from the basics, such as understanding traffic signs and signals, to more advanced skills, such as defensive driving techniques.

Driver education courses can be a powerful tool in promoting safe driving and reducing the number of deaths on the road. Did you know that, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers who take education courses are 9% less likely to be involved in a crash? These courses teach drivers to be more aware of their surroundings, react appropriately to dangerous situations, and be responsible on the road. By promoting these courses, we can create a culture of safe driving that benefits everyone.

Enforcing traffic regulations is another essential step in promoting safety on the roads. In 2019, there were 36,096 traffic deaths in the United States, according to the NHTSA. Many of these deaths could have been prevented if traffic laws were more strictly enforced. Instituting harsh penalties for careless acts such as drunk driving or distracted driving can discourage individuals from repeating those behaviors and reinstitute the idea that one must take responsibility for their actions. Additionally, ensuring all drivers have the proper license can reduce the number of accidents due to unlicensed drivers.

Equipping vehicles with advanced safety technology can also help prevent accidents. In 2019, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that vehicles equipped with forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking had 50% fewer rear-end crashes than those without these features. These systems use cameras and sensors to predict potential collisions and prepare the vehicle for any actions that may be needed to avoid them. By making these features more widely available, especially in lower cost automobiles, we can reduce the number of accidents caused by negligent driving.

Technology can assist in our goal of safer driving but it cannot provide the answer alone. We must also take personal responsibility for our actions and make a conscious effort to drive safely. Each of us can also advocate for safe driving practices among those around us and help our friends and family see the importance of becoming a safe driver. By sharing stories like my own and spreading awareness through campaigns and initiatives, we can encourage drivers to make safer choices and prevent tragic accidents from occurring.

Driving safely is a responsibility that we all share. Whether we have a disorder like Asperger’s Syndrome or not, education, enforcement of traffic regulations, equipping vehicles with advanced safety technology, and personal responsibility are all important steps in promoting safer driving practices. By working together and making conscious efforts to become safer drivers, we can prevent the loss of lives on the road and make a positive impact in our communities.