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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Ed Education

Name: Alexander Victoria
From: San Antonio , Texas
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Education

Driving is a big part of the American Dream, being able to go and travel as you see fit is a privilege most Americans exercise.I got my first car when I turned the glorious driving age of 16. I started my driving career by taking drivers ed to get my permit and then eventually my official license.While I was working towards completing my hours for drivers ed, I believe I became a cautious driver. I spent many hours driving alongside my parents and twin brother. As we drove, my parents were known for telling stories they had watched on the news of traffic accidents that had ended in death and were likely caused by a reckless driver. I also watched numerous videos while taking drivers ed and had many long talks with my parents about the importance of being a safe driver. My parents have always communicated to me how serious driving is.Not only do I need to drive safely for my own safety, but also I need to drive safely for all those on the road.

Drivers Ed is important because it is so important to be extra cautious behind the wheel because you may never know what could happen. Driver’s education plays a huge part in preparing drivers for the road and helping drivers to be cautious. It is vital that drivers know the rules, procedures and knowledge of roadways. Once you get behind that wheel, knowing which way to turn and knowing how to read all of the different signs and signals, all have a big impact on your ability to drive safely. Knowing the in’s and outs of the roadways allows you to be able to drive safely while also preventing any dangerous situations that could occur while on the road. Going through the modulus and taking the quizzes helps drivers remember and internalize the rules and guidelines of the road. It is also helpful to have a driver’s program that is meant to teach new drivers so that when they get behind the wheel they can apply all of the safety and skills they know as they approach the road. Sometimes parents have forgotten rules and will likely teach their style of driving. Many driving tasks and habits are second-nature to experienced drivers, and remembering to explain these processes to a new driver can be rather challenging.

Another reason why Drivers education is important is because driving could also lead to deadly accidents. Knowing when to stop and when to go plays a huge part in most accidents .Most deadly car accidents come from cross roads and at intersection.Intersections are probably one of the most dangerous places for crashes because there are so many things that could happen when drivers don’t follow the rules of the road. Also we can stop texting and driving.The phone can always wait, it is never worth putting someone else and yourself in potential danger, by taking your focus off the road.There are many things that every driver can do to help reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Some steps I follow to help reduce the number of accidents/deaths related to driving are listed below.

1. Before I start driving I fix all of my mirrors and adjust my seat to my liking so I can see everything around me while I’m driving.

2. While I’m driving I make sure my phone is on silent so that I’m focused on the road and not tempted to pick up my phone every 5 sec to see notifications or text messages.

3. While I’m driving I always make sure my music is to a minimum level so that I can hear.

4. I try to not be in a rush. Being in a rush causes you to move too fast and not be as cautious as you could be.

Although I follow these safety steps when driving, it is clear that other drivers do not! Unfortunately, I have been in a car accident caused by an unsafe driver. When the incident occurred I was at an intersection waiting for my light to turn green. The light goes green as I begin to accelerate this guy on the left of me, runs a red light and hits the front of my car, to make matters worse he never stopped and I ended up being in a hit and run. My front bumper was detached from my car, my car was in the shop for 2 months, and my parents insurance increased. All these unnecessary events occurred because a driver chose to not follow the rules of the road. After this eye opening experience, I further support the importance of driving safety to prevent accidents and deaths from occurring on the roadways.