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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The importance of Safe Driving

Name: Maria Hansen
From: Flat Rock, North Carolina
Votes: 0

The importance of Safe Driving

Car accidents are very common, and unfortunately very deadly as well. With new drivers on the roads, there is a higher risk for car crashes. Though many don’t think that an accident can happen to them, it happens more often than they would appreciate. I have been in two accidents, nearly been in countless others, and have seen or heard of plenty more.

I once was in a bus that slipped off the road during heavy winter snow. About two years later, the bus I was riding on back from a field trip was hit from behind by a distracted driver who was luckily unharmed. Once I started driving, I was a very stressful driver, so I was not the best, but I’ve seen more reckless behavior from seemingly experienced drivers. Since getting my license I have heard of two fatal car crashes to high school teenagers, and countless more are depicted in movies, books, and are apparent on highways nearly all the time. Driving is an everyday activity for many, and accidents happen every day as well.

When I started driving, I was able to drive with an instructor and learn in a designated classroom to gain confidence before driving and learn all of the rules of the road. I believe I am a good driver, and I drive often to keep my eyes and reflexes sharp. However, my brother is doing his education online and he hasn’t driven at all to my knowledge, and he now has a permit. Though he cannot drive without my parents in the car with him, he can be dangerous on the road. It is important for him to gain as much experience while driving as possible because even though it is good to have previous knowledge, it is even better to experience driving often.

I have only my own experience in a driver’s ed class to go on, but I think it was a well set up system. As long as I was in a classroom going over rules and laws specific to my state, I was able to be on the road and driving the week after. Despite me being really bad starting out, I was able to be under the safety of a teacher and a car built and trained to teach people to drive. It allowed me to experience driving much safer than in a car with my parents, who fought often about how I should drive when I did start to drive with them.

With more integration of trained teachers and specific cars with an extra brake and/or steering wheel, students can drive more safely in areas that they need the practice in. It is also important for experienced drivers to check themselves while driving. As I mentioned earlier, I have nearly gotten into many crashes when driving next to drivers who look to be in their 30s, maybe 40s, and even older who recklessly drive and have very dangerous habits. About a month before writing this, I was in my lane and a person started to merge in on me in the middle of some flowing traffic. I had to think fast and brake, and I was very lucky that there was no accident then. A few weeks later, I was driving down the road, a person merged onto the road about twenty, twenty-five feet in front of me while I was driving forty-five miles per hour, with a person in the lane next to me.

If more experienced drivers start to drive safer, there would be a lot less accidents than we do now. If people have to check their driving, or more cars with safety features are produced, more people would be safe while driving. It is very important to stay aware when driving and keep a keen eye out for other vehicles. Staying in the lane and being cautious of other drivers can help reduce the risk of car crashes. Staying a safe car distance away and driving the speed limit is helpful as well. With people getting back on the road after a pandemic, it is important for those who have not driven in years to refresh their memories and learn the laws of the road all over again.

With adequate schooling for new drivers and reinforced practice for experienced drivers, there will be better drivers on the road. Driving can be very dangerous, but in many cases it is essential so it is also essential to prevent as much damage to others as possible. There will always be drivers who believe they don’t need to drive better, but for those who wish to keep themselves and the other drivers on the road safe, then less accidents will happen.