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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Two Hands on the Wheel

Name: Elizabeth Hayes
From: Pembroke, MA
Votes: 0

Two Hands on the Wheel

When I was in driver’s education, there was one particular lesson I was taught that has forever stuck with me. That lesson was about the effects and repercussions of distracted driving. We talked about the risks of driving while distracted with particular emphasis on the most common cause of accidents among new drivers- driving while using an electronic device. All forms of distracted driving have led to deaths in car accidents, and most often result in the deaths of young drivers and passengers. The grief and loss left in the wake of these deaths are something that no loved one should ever have to experience. Therefore, driving education is crucial in reducing the number of motor vehicle deaths because it teaches individuals to avoid distractions, follow the rules of the road, drive defensively, and speak up when bearing witness to irresponsible driving.

One of the key steps to avoiding dangerous driving is to think safety first and ignore distractions while driving. For example, to avoid using a phone in a vehicle, individuals can place their phone in the glove compartment before starting their journey. They can also go into their device’s settings and put their phone into driving focus mode. This ensures that notifications are silenced or limited when a driver’s vehicle begins moving, and drivers cannot unlock their phones until the vehicle arrives at its destination. This feature can be set to turn on automatically when a driver enters their vehicle and it will keep drivers focused while driving.

Additionally, other forms of distracted driving can be avoided if drivers simply remember that nothing is more important than the safety of their life and their passengers’ lives. Any other activity can wait when behind the wheel. To illustrate, instead of eating while driving, drivers can sit in a parking lot to eat a meal or wait until they arrive at their destination. Likewise, individuals can wait until they arrive at their destination to apply makeup, or plan ahead and manage their time so they are able to fully get ready before getting in a vehicle. Rather than wearing headphones or playing loud music, which can slow reaction time and impede the ability to hear emergency vehicles, it is imperative to play music only through the vehicle’s audio system and do so at a moderate to low volume. This will help drivers to focus on the main task at hand, driving safely. These are only a few common distractions that affect drivers. Remembering to prioritize the safety of all lives in a vehicle, as well as the other vehicles on the roadways, is the best way to prevent distracted driving and stay focused while behind the wheel.

Furthermore, driving education teaches that all forms of distracted driving are illegal and that it is essential to follow traffic rules while driving. By following the laws and rules of the road, not only can drivers avoid possibly deadly accidents, but also avoid paying hefty fines, receiving jail time, having their driving license revoked or suspended, and other repercussions under the law. We may also have safer drivers if driving laws were enhanced, especially relating to laws concerning driving under the influence of drugs due to the increase in the legalization of marijuana across the United States. Having more severe repercussions for minor offenses like speeding and failure to stop at a red light or stop sign may also ensure that individuals are more focused on the road and drive more responsibly.

Individuals can also strive to drive more safely and model good driving behavior by driving defensively. Luckily, my family and friends do not practice dangerous driving and I have never witnessed any reckless behavior or been in an accident on their behalf. My parents in particular have always taught me to drive defensively and anticipate the actions of other drivers. This can be achieved if drivers are aware of their surroundings, reduce their speed, and leave plenty of space between themselves and the vehicle in front of them.

Another more controversial method to target poor driver habits and potentially reduce motor vehicle deaths is for state and local governments to install traffic and highway cameras to capture drivers who fail to stop for red traffic lights, speed, etc. These cameras could be installed at high-traffic intersections and other locations that seem to continuously have motor vehicle accidents.

Drivers taking the necessary steps to keep themselves and passengers safe is important in creating a safer community on the road. Hence, it is equally important for passengers to speak up if they see individuals driving irresponsibly. It would do well for passengers to follow the motto “see something, say something”. Regardless of their relationship with the driver- whether they be friends, family, or chauffeurs- if passengers witness reckless and dangerous driving it is vital to immediately call attention to it to ensure that the lives of everyone in the vehicle aren’t at risk. For instance, it is good to remind drivers to ignore distractions. It is also important to make sure that drivers do not drive while tired or fatigued, especially during long trips on the road. One very significant way individuals can prevent driving deaths is to avoid and impede others from getting in a vehicle with someone who is impaired under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is imperative that bystanders or potential passengers warn impaired individuals of the dangers of driving and attempt to convince them to let someone sober drive them to their destination. If all else fails, calling the authorities may be the only way to save the life of someone you care about. The cost of straining the relationship between impaired drivers and bystanders is outweighed by the benefit of preventing a potential loss of life or lives.

To summarize, it is necessary to take the steps to make oneself and others better and safer drivers. The lessons that are taught in driver’s education have made me a responsible driver and are important in understanding the severity of the consequences of unsafe driving. Avoiding distractions, abiding by the laws and rules of the road, practicing defensive driving, and making sure others are aware of their dangerous driving habits are crucial to making the roads safer for all.