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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education

Name: Raena Mello
Votes: 0

Driver Education

One of the most common ways to travel is by driving. However, this is also one of the more apparent ways in which death occurs. For that reason, for every future driver, it is imperative that they learn the proper way to drive. By doing this, the number of deaths caused by driving will decrease. Even though death will always happen no matter what, driving can become a less common cause.

In order for deaths to decrease, the proper techniques and useful training must be provided to make new drivers better. That will then lead to safer driving because it will be known what to do in a certain situation or have smart, fast thinking to remain safe. Having a good enough reaction puts the driver, other passengers, and bystanders in a safe situation. In order to learn this though, the driver has to learn what a safe situation looks like, how to handle these unsafe situations, and how to escape from these situations without causing harm. For drivers to learn this, training is an important aspect. Without it, deaths by driving will only get worse and not better. When cars become the main source of transport, this is when deaths became more apparent because training became more unavailable. In the old times, schools would provide a class for students that were going to be driving soon, however, this is not seen anymore. This allowed students to learn proper techniques to drive with a compatible teacher. It gave life-like situations so they would learn before their tires stepped on the real road. By having this as a class again, people would not have to pay for driving school. However, this is another option in which young drivers could then actually experience highways and street driving. This also provides a good teacher to learn from so that drivers will know how to stay safe.

When driving, knowing how to be safe is one of the most important aspects. While knowing how to drive is how to stay safe, being in the right mental state is important as well. For example, drunk driving is not only putting the driver in danger but is putting other drivers and pedestrians in danger as well. In order for drunk driving to not occur, people must learn that if one is going to drink, they must have a sober friend driving or call an Uber, Lyft, taxi, etc. This will ensure that there is no situation in which anyone is put into an unsafe situation. In order to learn that, it must be told why drunk driving is not a good decision and that there are safer, more acceptable options. Along with that, texting while driving is another hazardous position for bystanders and the driver. Even though it is tempting to see the notification or look up something that one wants to know, there are times when looking down for two seconds can cause a wreck. There can be an instant change in any surrounding whether it be a car swerving, a hard brake from the car in front, a pedestrian running in front of cars, or an animal running across the road. These can happen at any moment but if one is looking at their phone, the reaction time is not going to be fast enough so that no one and nothing gets harmed. A personal experience was my dad and I were driving home from my volleyball practice while it was storming. Since the wind was extremely strong, a tree branch fell in the middle of the road causing the car in front of us to slam on its brakes which would lead my dad to hit his brakes too. However, he looked at his phone for a couple of seconds and it slowed down his reaction times making us rear-end the car in front of us. If he was not looking at his phone and rather was paying more attention to the road, the crash could have been avoided. This is why learning drunk driving and using the phone while driving is very risky.

Driving is one of the most common ways of transport but with the number of deaths caused by it, there must be a change to decrease it. In order for that to happen, new drivers must learn the right techniques to drive, how to handle hazardous situations, and what is considered unreliable while driving. Knowing all these aspects will then lead to a safer environment for all drivers and even bystanders. Therefore, by providing training classes and information on what is unsafe, new drivers and even experienced drivers will understand how to make the community a more protected place.