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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Initiative Scholarship Essay

Name: Faizan Amir Khan
From: Chicago, Illinois
Votes: 0

Driver Initiative Scholarship Essay

I am a current high school senior and I do have strong opinions regarding the importance of driver education because I have heard too many stories from my friends of their cars getting busted because of pure recklessness or because they were simply frozen in time due to being in certain circumstances that they were not previously exposed to. These occurrences are more prevalent than one might think, at least a lot more prevalent than I initially presumed. However, we can and must take steps to reduce driver accidents because this is an undoubtably impactful and ongoing issue that requires the full attention of those above these young adults to implement appropriate curriculum in driver education courses in high school. A lot could be solved as a result of more supervised hours in driving well and a more rigid success program for up and coming drivers. My friends had near death experiences with driving and others had destroyed their properties and all of this unnecessary damage could have been avoided with more adept training and the reinforcement of good driving policies in their young and inexperienced minds. We must be willing to put in the time to educate these young adults because they will be the next generation of drivers and their driving patterns must be detected and morphed in accordance with acceptable standards by engaging them in relevant and useful driving course curricula that I simply do not think is enough in its current state given the prevalence of teen driving accidents and I have heard of these accidents firsthand and I do fear for them. I am not a drier as of ne because I believe that I need much more practice in order to be able to drive without causing any accidents and that is, what I believe is the best way to do it for someone my age. I have been a passenger of a negligent driver which was unfortunately one of my closest friends since elementary school. He was so excited to finally show me his car and drive it outside to restaurants, shops, you name it. However, since he was a very new driver he ended up testing his limits by going a little too fast in short intervals and slowing back down again or turning a little too fast and so instead of simply sitting there I decided to tell him to slow down a bit and I joked by telling him to test his limits when I was out of the car instead if in it. He laughed but he also knew that I was serious enough that he should heed my advice. There we are driving to Target to pick up some new pairs of shoes and then out of nowhere there comes an abrupt turn and he ended up badly scraping the side of another vehicle which ended up damaging his car and the other person’s car as well. The man in the car started screaming at us and telling us to stop but my friend got very scared and ended up driving away very quickly. After that, My friend insisted to drop me off at my house but I was not going to allow him to face a confrontation without me so I insisted to accompany him to his home. He protested but he ended up agreeing and he drove us back to his place. When he parked his parents car in the garage the car had a very visible dent on one side. He exhaled very loudly and said, “I am so screwed, man.” I tried to console him by telling him I would take some of the blame in front of his parents but then he got very serious and told me not to do that as it would only make him feel more guilty and like more of an idiot than he already felt like. We went inside and saw both his mother and father drinking tea on the kitchen table and of course they greeted me as a welcome guest before my friend disclosed the news. After that, his parents looked very wide-eyed and thanked me for coming before telling me to go back home. I thought to protest but ended up leaving as my friend whispered telling me it’s alright. The next day, we discussed what happened and it turns out that his parents will have to pay a large fee to the man who’s vehicle he scraped and his parents told him he can’t drive again for at least a couple of years in which he would undergo parent-supervised training. From that day on, I understood the gravity of what we do on the road and I now know that the best way to avoid these experiences in life are to be as safe as possible by putting in the time and effort to hone our skills in a vehicle.