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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The World is at the mercy of your Hands by KS

Name: karen Sandhu
From: Vancouver, BC
Votes: 0

The World is at the mercy of your Hands by KS

The world is at the mercy of your hands. Literally, as a driver you are not only responsible for your safety, your passenger’s safety but also the world around you. One of the skills we are taught in preparation for our driving tests is scanning your environment: know what is happening in front of you, beside you and behind you. Driving is an active skill and should be practiced as such. Picture this: Your alarm sounds. You’re dreading getting out of bed and embarking on an hour-long car ride to work.  You quickly put on your uniform and head out the door. Your favourite tune comes on and before you know it, you are  at work. Your co-worker asks how the commute went but when you stop to reflect, you realize you hadn’t really paid attention. You were in auto pilot for the entire ride and do not remember a thing. Have you ever experienced that? I know I have and I’m not alone. According to a study done by the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration: “ Eight-four percent of distracted driving related fatalities in the US were tied to the general classification of carelessness or inattentiveness”. The form of distracted driving decribed above is called Highway hypnosis: “Highway hypnosis or white line fever is a trance-like state under which a person drives a motor vehicle in a normal, safe manner yet has no recollection of having done so”. . Why does this happen? For many of us, driving is a highly-overlearned task which is why the task of everyday driving such as lane and speed maintenance for example, can happen automatically. This is why it is important to be aware of human psychology and how we can shift into highway hypnosis. It is well reported that distracted driving is a serous issue. According to CAA, “Distracted driving fatalities have surpassed those caused by impaired driving in some parts of Canada”. (this information was published by Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2019) Simply put, distracted driving kills. Therefore, being aware of this psychological state while driving can help you monitor your driving abilities and conduct self-assessment: am I tired, am I stressed. Practising this skill would reduce the number of distracted drivers and therefore, reduce the number deaths as a result of driving.

Distracted driving reduces reaction times and increases the likelihood that you could be involved in an accident. Having more campaigns about the importance of a driving mind states, for example, is one way to reduce the number of deaths by this form of distracted driving. We are all human and naturally deal with a wide variety of emotions, it’s important to be present and calm so that you can use you reflexes if necessary. This skill could save lives. It’s important to feel confident behind a wheel in addition to having adequate training. Conducting self-assessment is key in being aware of your driving state. Knowing how you’re feeling allows you to determine how to address the issue. For example, if you are tired, you can drink a caffeinated beverage, keep the interior of the vehicle cool and engaging in conversation with a passenger tol help you stay alert. The above strategies also assist with combating highway hypnosis as does driving during the day. (source:  for above sentence as well. Taking part in these techniques when you find yourself in highway hypnosis or any other form of distraction could potentially save lives.

To become a better and safer driver, I start by being present and ensuring my passengers and I have our seatbelts on. It is also important to be comfortable in your seat: can you reach the pedals comfortably, are your windows cleared, are your mirrors adjusted?  Anytime I’m with a friend who is driving irresponsibly, I voice my concerns. The best way to do this is to make it about them and not you. Is it worth driving so fast or weaving in and out of traffic?  Sometimes a nudge is all your friend may need to get back into the active driving zone. Remember, it is not cool to have your life or the life of a friend or family member altered by the actions of a distracted driver. Keep this in mind the next time you get behind the wheel.

I have been fortunate to not be involved in a car accident but I have seen the struggle of a close friend who was involved in one. It can be a life changing experience that occurs within seconds based on the decision you make at the wheel. Her accident was caused by a distracted driver who crossed the road lines and drove headfirst into her vehicle. The decision that the driver made, i.e., being distracted, changed my friend’s life forever. There is a ripple effect of pain and suffering for friends and family of those who have been involved in car accidents. Consider that the next time you get behind the wheel, the world is at the mercy of your hands. I also work directly with patients who have been involved in car accidents and I’ve seen the impacts a few seconds makes on someone’s life. For example, an uber driver doing her job of helping people get around in her spare time in order to make extra cash had her life turned upside down at the hands of a distracted driver. It is important to keep in mind that not all broken bones can be repaired and some accidents can be crippling but they will surely change the lives of others regardless of the seriousness. Many patients are left with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to being involved in a car accident or seeing a car accident. Keep in mind that the world is at the mercy of your hands.