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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – What it takes

Name: Aashish Dhungana
From: Cupertino, California
Votes: 0

What it takes

When I first started to drive, I got nervous and I truly did not believe I could do this. But after doing it for so long now I can say I’m a confident and safe driver, but it wasn’t easy and it should not be easy. As I got it when I was 16-year-old it was required for me to do driver’s education, which is much needed especially if you’re under 18.

The importance of getting education in some form for a driver is essential to your life and the lives of others on the road. Learning how to drive and the mechanics of how a a car works is really helpful when you want to be able to drive comfortably and know why a situation could arise. The importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths is a requirement to be fulfilled if you want to be able to drive on the road as safely as possible. Driving is a privilege, it’s not a loss, it’s not a real problem, it’s not a requirement. So in order to fulfill that need you need to learn things that are essential and reduce injury and death on the road.

Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to have more requirements when it comes to obtaining a driver’s license. have more regulation and laws that broke any unsafe and reckless drivers from ever being on the road. It is important to know how the mechanics of a car and human body reaction work together to fulfill the needs of every other individual that is on the road. it’s not just you that needs to be safe it’s the other drivers and people on the road

I truly believe now I’m a confident and a safe driver. I have never been in a car accident before and I have never witnessed a car accident with any driver that I’ve driven with. While it is true I have come close to being in a car accident. While there are many close calls that I have gotten myself into, I was able to react quickly And keep myself safe and any other individuals that might happen to be involved in the accident. I do try to correct myself and think what I need to do and what I will do when a scenario that is close call and it’s not just about me being able to drive safe it’s about me being able to drive safe when there are some drivers that do Drive requesting the road. I have gone through lots of drivers that drive regularly and are unsafe, while there is nothing I could do personally. I do think in my head what I would do and this happens or when a driver does this.

Every human wants to be alive and safe. When I first started driving I was told and I also told myself that this is a big step and life is at stake. I do try to avoid any interaction that I don’t feel confident about yet, whether it’s going little about the speed limit, merging Lanes, and driving on the freeway for a long time. I still need to be aware that I am still a new / billionaire driver and I need to keep things simple and keep practicing and learning throughout when I’m driving. I have taken many steps to ensure that, such as watching YouTube videos on how to drive safely and smoothly. I have learned about road racing and how it affects people definitely. I have kept an open mindset when it comes to other drivers cutting me off car driving on safety. I corrected myself when I made it. I made a mistake and I thought to myself what would I do when this happens again next time. I have given selections to other drivers that I have been in the car with and told them easier and better ways to do things such as parking merging on freeways, Etc.

I am still practicing and learning how to be a better driver because you could always be better overall. I have corrected myself and thought about scenarios that I will come across and what I will have to react and do. I have realized that there could be new drivers and also confident drivers on the road, so honking might not always be necessary but it could be helpful to make others realize their mistake. any conclusion to reduce death the requirement needs to be more restrict and more education has to be put in effect for every drivers in the road