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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Where The Rubber Hits The Road

Name: Evah Read
From: Purcellville, VA
Votes: 0

Where The Rubber Hits The Road

As American roadways continue to grow and develop, and more vehicles transit across our nation, driving can be hazardous if one is not familiar with all the rules that keep drivers safe. Thousands of people die each year in vehicular accidents, many of which result from user error, which can be avoided if drivers are properly educated in the laws of their state and how to keep themselves and other drivers safe. Driver Education is the process of training new drivers and helping them to learn more about all of the possible situations, signage, and rules they may encounter while driving, and how to respond to each one appropriately. Such education is necessary for driving safely as not every aspect of driving is intuitive or navigable without prior knowledge, and a wrong decision could be fatal to everyone involved.

Driver Education plays a key role in reducing the number of vehicular deaths on the road by informing new drivers, young and old, of the dangers of operating on the roads and how to mitigate each danger appropriately. Without Driver Education, if a new driver were to suddenly come across an unknown situation such as a stalled semi-truck stranded on the shoulder of the highway close to traffic, the new driver may panic and react without thinking, which could cause them to merge dangerously or even swerve. Such an action could quickly be fatal for more than just the new driver if they happened to hit any other vehicles or the semi-truck itself. However, with Driver Education new drivers can learn about such situations before they encounter them on the road, and know what appropriate actions they should take, such as merging into a lane away from the shoulder to give the semi-truck and its occupants as well as highway patrol room enough to move the semi-truck off the highway.

While Driver Education is not the only way to reduce vehicular accidents and resulting deaths, it is one of the most crucial. Other steps drivers of all levels of experience can take to avoid potential accidents include regular checkups for both themselves and their car to make sure that both are in proper working order, as well as taking the time to obtain proper licensing for both. In many states, part of the process to become a licensed driver involves going through a careful examination of the car and driver to ensure that they are healthy and operating as expected because if the driver were to lose control or if the car stopped working, it can quickly turn into a hazard for themselves and other drivers. Drivers should ensure that they have the resources necessary to compensate for any disabilities or medical issues they may have, such as hearing or eyesight. They should also perform regular check-ups on their car to confirm that all of the indicator lights and the engine are working as expected. Many states also require drivers to pass an examination to prove that they understand many rules of the road before they can become licensed. The exams help drivers experience some basic situations they may encounter while driving as well as point out any areas they need to improve in or learn more about. Driver Education is often taken before exams and works to prepare the driver for anything they may encounter in the exam as well as on the road once the driver passed the exam and becomes fully licensed according to their state’s requirements.

Driving without the knowledge that Driver Education provides can be incredibly dangerous, not only for the individual driver but for everyone else on the road. When I was six years old, my mom and I were in a fender bender. While the accident was not fatal to anyone involved, both of us did suffer from whiplash and spinal issues for some time afterward. The accident was caused by a driver in the car behind us who had been texting while driving and hit my mom’s car because they were not paying attention. Texting while driving is illegal in nearly every region of the United States, and Driver Education informs new drivers of this.

There are many ways that I can become a better and safer driver as well as help others to become safer drivers too. The first step to take would be to become familiar with the laws of my state and how they direct drivers to respond to various situations they may encounter on the road. My own Driver Education before I became liscensed was incredibly helpful in familiarizing myself with driving, but there is always room for improvement. I should also strive to keep myself healthy so that I do not have any medical emergencies while driving, as well as keep my car in good working condition so that it does not break down while it is running. Additionally, I can also exercise proprioception while driving and pay close attention to my surroundings, especially my blind spots, to ensure that I am completely aware of my situation. I can also help other drivers improve their own skills by assisting them in finding good resources that inform them of the laws of their state, as well as personally raising awareness of the need for proper Driver Education and regular examination.