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Name: David Adekunle
From: Tyler, TX
Votes: 0

A Driver’s Experience

Hello my name is Ace, and welcome to Aceable. I’m just kidding, that’s the app I used to gain the proper information about vehicle and road safety to successfully obtain my driver’s license. Speaking of road safety, there’s not a lot of road safety in our country nowadays. Many reckless drivers fill the streets to the point, it seems like some of these drivers are just getting handout licenses. That’s why I feel like it is important for every person who gets behind a wheel to be very educated on the precautions needed to ensure safety to everyone on the road. Education is the reason we humans have even been able to survive up until this point. It’s the only thing that has gave us the ability to discern what is happening around us. The same Idea applies for when we are on the road. Every driver, has the duty and responsibility of taking the necessary steps to educate themselves on road safety for not just their safety, but other people’s safety as well. Luckily we have the ability to ensure safer roads here in America with the amazing resources we have. One of those being, the drivers test. I feel like having a strict driving instructor is definitely a big impact on a person getting their license and getting behind the wheel of a car. If an instructor and the school responsible for the testing increase the standards need to be met to gain a driver’s license, it pressures students to do better and improve more on their performance and awareness on the road. This may lead students to carry that awareness to the real world once they start driving consistently. Although is solution presents one problem. Some students may not actually care, and go back to an less safe method of driving once they actually leave the test and are driving on the real road. So another solution to ensure and reduce the amount of deaths on the road, is to add more patrol cars to areas where crashes and accidents occur. All drivers, whether they are good or bad drivers, straighten up when a police officer is around; nobody wants to get pulled over. Therefore, adding more patrol officers to areas with higher rates of car accidents and fatalities, could possibly lead to a reduction of wild and careless driving behavior on the road. I hope that maybe those ideas may help ensure a safer road environment. Even the best of the best drivers, such as myself, can end up in mishaps on road. I’ve been in a few accidents on the road. Let me take you on a trip real quick to past, to venture into some of the car accidents I’ve witnessed or been in. The first one involves my friend driving my car, after we just picked up one of our other friends. We were in a neighborhood, and an oncoming car was approaching on the other side, while there was a truck parked on the side of the road. My friend, who was driving, was going 70 mph in this 35 mph neighborhood. He crashed into the parked truck and fled the scene. Turns out, he wasn’t fully sober while he was driving. I was beyond shocked and just glad we survived, because in the end, we looked back on the situation and realized the brake failed as he tried to brake while approaching the parked truck. So he and the car failed in this instance. Maybe that story wasn’t clear enough for you. Sorry I’m not the best story teller. Maybe this next one will make more sense. So I was on the way to an Auto-Zone in a small town called Rosenberg. I was traveling in the right lane and there was a Chevrolet Impala on my left side. The Impala proceeds to speed up and cut me off and attempt to turn onto an upcoming street. Meanwhile, it had just rained, and the streets were still wet. There was another car on my left side, so my only option was to brake, but since the road was still wet, I skid and rear ended the impala front of me. Leading to my car being totaled and her car being perfectly fine; crazy story. Just talking about that story annoys me because that crash could’ve easily been avoided. At the end of the day, I think everyone can improve their driving skills. Especially me, I’m a good driver, but I’m still only 17. I have a lot to learn still. In my effort to become a safer driver, steps I could take to achieve that would be, staying off my phone, driving with two hands, and monitoring my speed. I could say these are easily some things I need to improve on personally. Well enough of my rambling.

This is David Adekunle, signing out!