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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – What is necessary from us all

Name: Yazmina A Holness
From: Fairburn, Georgia
Votes: 0

What is necessary from us all

Every day, millions of individuals go on their own unique adventures, in their own unique vehicles, and embark on their own unique journeys. Weather its driving to work or going on a spring break road trip with your family, or even getting gas from a gas station, most people spend some part of their day behind the wheel.

Every day, millions of individuals go on their own unique adventures with their own inherit risks. Weather that’s aggressive drivers or bad road conditions, being on the road gets more dangerous by the second, and the first step in ensuring safer roads is drivers’ education. By equipping drivers with not only the materials to stay on the road, like cars, but also the comprehensive knowledge, practical skills, and responsible attitudes to keep them alive and safe, we can pave the way towards safer roads and a significant decrease in deaths.

Driver education gives vital knowledge about road rules, traffic signs, and defensive driving techniques for drivers. With this knowledge, drivers can make informed decisions and act responsibly on the road, reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by ignorance or recklessness but also having more awareness and quick reactions on the road.

Proper driver education focuses on honing essential driving skills, such as steering control, braking, and acceleration, while also the vital knowledge I mentioned before (traffic signs, road rules, defensive driving). Well-trained drivers can respond quickly to unexpected situations, and thereby preventing potential accidents that inexperienced or aggressive drivers might cause.

Driver ed not only gives knowledge and skills but also shows the importance of adopting a responsible attitude towards driving. This includes understanding the consequences of reckless behavior, adhering to traffic rules, and respecting other road users. A responsible driver is less likely to engage in risky behavior, ultimately reducing the number of fatalities on the road.

Government authorities and educational institutions (state and local governments as well as colleges, universities, and even high schools) must collaborate to develop strong and comprehensive driver education programs. For example, A high school could provide programs where students stay after school for drivers ed courses and in turn get community service hours or a certificate at the end. State governments can push funding towards programs like this to get our youth more involved in drivers education These programs should cover aspects like road safety, defensive driving, and the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs while also working with organizations, for example A-1 driving, to give in the car and on the road experience to these students in parking lots or streets around the area.

These licensing systems with certificates and real-world experience allow new drivers to gradually gain experience and skills under various conditions. This thorough approach can help reduce the number of accidents caused by inexperienced drivers and increase activity in drivers ed and awareness in regard to younger drivers.

Enhanced enforcement of traffic laws in regard to police, such as speed limits and seatbelt usage, act as a deterrent for reckless behavior on the road. This, in turn, contributes to a safer driving environment and reduces fatalities because of the deterrence of law enforcement.

Upgrading and maintaining road infrastructure, such as better lighting at night and good maintenance during storms or accidents with lights, clear road markings, and improved signs and the repair of these signs, can enhance road safety. Governments need to spend more money on infrastructure to keep our roads and drivers safe.

I remember when I was in the second grade, and I was on my way back from grabbing subway with my mom and brother after school. We were driving back and our light turned green but when we were moving up, I saw a light on the side of our car and we were t-boned. My mom left with whiplash, and I had a concussion. The lady who hit us had one apology, “I’m sorry I had a stressful day, and I wasn’t paying attention.” Her lack of awareness and lack of attentiveness when driving caused harm to not only me but my family. I was scared of the road for a long time after that, but I realized that it was because of her lack of education and awareness that our accident happened. That experience motivated me to be safer and more aware whenever I am driving on the road.

Education is a lifelong process, and this principle holds true for driving as well. As a responsible driver, I will commit to regularly updating my knowledge of road rules and safety guidelines. This could involve taking refresher driving courses or attending seminars on safe driving practices. By adhering to speed limits, wearing seatbelts, and avoiding distractions while driving, I can not only keep myself safe, but the people around me safe as well.

The importance of driver education in reducing fatalities is extremely important. Comprehensive knowledge, practical skills, and responsible attitudes given by driver education contributes to safer roads and fewer accidents. By, implementing stricter traffic laws, investing in infrastructure, and promoting advanced technologies, we can collectively work towards a safer driving environment and create safe environments for others.