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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – 2023 Driver’s Ed Essay

Name: Kyra Sykes
From: Durham, North Carolina
Votes: 0

2023 Driver’s Ed Essay

The importance of driver education is pivotal in reducing the number of deaths related to driving. Driver’s education is a national standard that provides the driver with driving skills, road safety, and understanding the rules and laws of the road for being a safe driver.

There are steps that can be learned in driver’s education that will reduce deaths related to driving. These steps are wearing a seat belt, defensive driving, not driving under the influence, follow the speed limit, don’t drive distracted, be aware of your surroundings, keep your car maintained, and have an emergency kit.

The driver should wear their seat belt at all times while driving or being a passenger. By wearing a seat belt it will decrease their chance of injury by 50% and 45% death related accidents.

The driver will need to learn defensive driving skills to avoid hazards and react quickly. Part of defensive driving is to know how to place their hands on the wheel at the 9 to 3 o’ clock position, which allows the driver to control the car and avoid crashes and injury. The use of turn signals when switching lanes.

The driver will learn that driving under the influence is against the law, cause them to be placed in jail, can cause an accident or death, or lose their license.

The driver will need to drive at the speed limit to help them to keep safe distances between cars. Also, using the three seconds rule will ensure that they have enough distance to stop without hitting the other car. The faster the driver goes above the speed limit increases the potential of an accident and death from the impact force on the car and person in the car.

The driver will need to not be distracted while driving and aware of their surroundings.

The driver will need to keep their car well maintained so that the car functions correctly. The car that does not have the proper maintenance can cause bodily harm to the passengers of the car by having a tire blowout while driving, a car fire from engine failure, or car being on the side of the road will be a hazard to other drivers.

The driver will need an emergency kit in the car to be used when needed. In times of bad weather or becoming stranded on the highway, an emergency kit with food, water, first aid, blankets to keep warm,kitty litter to use for your tires to get traction should be kept in the trunk of your car at all times.

I have experienced being in a car accident and have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly. A couple of months ago I had a fender bender that was due to me being distracted by an incoming text. When I got a notification on my cell phone that there was an incoming text, I looked done on my car seat to see who sent the text. As I looked down, the car went into another lane slightly scratching the other car going about 35 mph. After hitting the other car, I quickly looked up and slammed on the brakes. I could not believe that I hit a car and became panicked and nervous. I stopped to check on the other driver. This experience has shown me that it only takes a few seconds to look down and have the car drift out of the lane that you are in into another lane at a slow speed causing an accident that damages a car. It could have been alot worse of causing a death. This accident has taught me that distractions are life changing.

I have witnessed family and friends drive irresponsibly by using their cell phones to search for driving directions, make phone calls or eat and drive. This has caused them to not notice the signal light changes, past their turn or how close they are to other cars. I have been there to bring their attention back to driving, and challenge them to not do those things while driving.

The steps that I took to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road was to remind friends and family to not text, make calls or use their cell phones while driving. This has caused me to turn on the do not disturb notification so no notification sounds occur while I’m driving. And making sure that I’m not distracted while driving to keep my focus on driving. I have asked family and friends to pledge not to use their cell phones or text while driving, turn on their no notifications while driving so they will not become one of the statistics.