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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – A Voice from Behind the Wheel

Name: Austin T Zimmer
From: Riverside, CA
Votes: 0

A Voice from Behind the Wheel

When you’re first put behind the wheel of a car after you complete the written test it is natural to be a little nervous about the new experience. That’s how it should be, but with the dashcam footage of devastating car crashes flooding social media, another drunk driving accident, and having personal experiences with car crashes that altered lives it was difficult pulling out of the driveway. When driving to a friend’s house seems like a dangerous journey instead of a fun little drive. How am I to trust everyone else, or even myself to get to my destination safely? It’s scary, so here are the thoughts of a new driver about the state of the roads.

During the online driving safety tests I took to prepare myself for the road ahead I learned the most common reasons for crashing were distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding. Also counting that most of those crashes involved teens and new drivers it seems educating drivers about the severity of these problems just isn’t enough or getting through to people through the licensing process.

The main question is how do we prevent the drivers from doing these things before a driver picks up their phone while driving down the freeway, or turning the key in the ignition after a night in the pub? The greatest fight against anything is getting the word out to those who simply aren’t aware of the severity or don’t have the care to follow some of the rules. Stronger mandatory education programs should be indoctrinated to the process of becoming a licensed driver. Strong visual elements like commercials on shows aimed at young adults and teenagers. Something that makes it feel real before anything bad actually happens can make someone like me think back to how awful it could be if you make the decisions that take a turn for the worst. Having in-school assemblies with real people who have fallen victim to these unfortunate events talk to you face to face, so that you feel the sadness, the regret, or in some cases the heartbreak. And in the cases that someone chooses not to follow these rules to drive safely so everyone can make it home, the punishment for the crime should be greater than they are now. A recent post I saw on my instagram was the camera footage of a drunk driver crashing through a family’s home and the subsequent arrest of the man for his fourth DUI. This should never be allowed to happen.

I personally have been in three separate car accidents as a passenger. In three separate stages of my life I got to experience the wonder screeching tires, a blasting horn, and the clashing of metal twisting and bending. The most recent was on my way to school with my mom. As we started moving again after the stop sign a distracted mother with two children in the car ran a stop sign in the same intersection and plowed into the back of our car causing some mild panic and thousands in repairs, but we made it out completely unscathed. The same could not be said for my friend Jacob and his father, Chris, who suffered greatly after a head on collision with a Jeep on the wrong side of a double yellow. He had to pull a fire extinguisher from the crippled trunk of his totaled car to put out the flames and then drag his unconscious dad from the wreck so the paramedics could start acting fast as soon as they arrived. Both had cuts, concussions, and dislocated joints. His dad was worse for wear and was in the hospital for days with multiple complications. It could have been much worse and my friend wouldn’t have a dad all because a reckless driver wanted to save a couple seconds to go around a slower car.

Driving safely and responsibly is what I can personally do to make the roads I drive on safe. But telling others I happen to be driving with or riding as a passenger to be careful and cautious can also make for a better driving experience for everyone. Not promoting any unsafe driving is also a way I can do my part. One person can make a difference in many lives.

In conclusion, anyone can possess the tools to be a safe and responsible driver that follows the law. Prevention of distractions before they become distractions using education to have drivers better understand the danger and horrific possibilities of what could be could help prevent accidents. And even one person doing a small action such as taking keys after a party or reminding someone to be mindful of the road and how loud the music is can save lives.