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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Always Drive Safe

Name: Aaron Keeble
From: Sisseton, South Dakota
Votes: 0

Always Drive Safe

Driver’s Education has every need to know for a new driver or soon to be driver. Having that option will benefit a young driver also gives the driver the knowledge and skills to be safer on the road. It’s a great opportunity for the teenagers to be involved in. Education in on what happens behind the wheel and the rules are important. It’s important to know and understand that it really is a privilege, that requires being alert. Knowing the dangers of not being educated for taking the wheel really does reduce the risks of accidents. If you’re not informed it gives more risks in being the cause of an accident or being involved of a accident or even death.

Being a safe driver can help reduce the number of deaths related to driving. To be a safe driver you are knowledgeable of the laws, you are first educated of what the laws are while being behind the wheel. Doing your part in helping reduce the number of deaths can be anywhere from helping educate others, leading by example, most importantly following the laws of the road. Being alert, being sober not under any mind-altering substance. The condition a driver is in is a huge factor in what could happen if a potential danger was to occur.

Unfortunately, I do recall situations of unsafe drivers. Too many to count to be honest. They have been drunk driving related. Under the influence of street drugs and prescription drugs. Making bad decisions while driving such as in bad weather, lack of sleep, and other reckless driving. Having been involved in a couple accidents it was related to making poor decisions on everyone’s fault. I’ve experienced the sadness of loosing a loved one to a bad driving incident far to many times in my life.

A proper introduction into driving is necessary. It helps a young driver be more aware and it will help them over come any fears of driving. As a child we may be introduced into driving by a arcade game where you crash and your given another chance. If that is how a child thinks it is then there is a disaster in the future with there driving. The example is something a young teen described his knowledge of driving before. Thinking it’s like the arcade game to go carts has nothing to do with how it really is in real life.

Yes, not all teenagers are given the option for driver’s education in the school system or given the privilege to test for there driver’s permit. With that I encourage researching other educational options. Searching on the internet any and all driving questions and educating yourself as best as you can. There is also an online app that has been created. Your app search dmv and the app is available for download. This app offers you the rules of the road, traffic control such as signs, informs you on distracted driving and what that means. With the rise in technology the options to learn are considered more undated. Having access to the internet gives us more options if by some reason we weren’t able to attend a driver’s education course. Maybe a class is full or the fee couldn’t be covered but the teen could really benefit from having a permit due to sports and after school activities, or even a job.

Help keep the roads safe requires everyone to do their part. We see on the world news how dangerous just one driver can be and it can be deadly for more then just the reckless driver. Be a safe driver, wear your seat belt, follow the rules of the road, stay alert, take your time in bad weather, follow the signs on the roads ahead of you. Be careful while behind the wheel. Practice having good judgement on yourself and doing the right thing can help save your live and the lives of others. Be mindful of the choices being made. Don’t text and drive. Don’t drink and drive. Avoid following too closely or weaving in and out of lanes seems to be uncalled for. Try to have patience on the road. Time management can be learned and gives for safer driving when you’re not in a time crunch to get to your job, school, next appointment or all in all your next destination. Be safe, drive smart, follow the rules always wear your seat belt. Make those the good habits to live by for you and your family and the future generation to come after you. Always Drive Safe