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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver’s Education: Why it’s Important

Name: Elaina Grace Littreal
From: Orangeburg, South Carolina
Votes: 0

Driver’s Education: Why it’s Important

Every year, thousands of people lose their family members, friends, or employee’s from car accidents. Driver’s education isn’t taken seriously by many of the young drivers getting their driver’s license which is causing our country to be full of many irresponsible drivers. I have had friends of mine get into car accidents due to the lack of the responsibility that comes with driving. I have seen the results of people driving while having their minds consumed with other tasks other than driving safely. With all this technology around nowadays becoming very addictive, many people are losing their lives and getting hurt by taking their eyes off the road for just a couple seconds. If we don’t do something about irresponsible drivers and get people to realize how important driver’s education is, our world is going to become a place where death comes too early for many people.

Driver’s education is extremely important as a person receives the responsibilities of driving on the road. Many teenagers are going through drivers school so they can have a driver’s license early only to, once finished with the schooling, throw it all away. Driver’s education provides us all with the “rules” driving comes with to insure we’re kept safe on the road. It gives everyone an example of the right way to safely drive on the road. With all the harm coming out of driving, keeping the safety precautions and rules of driving stored in one’s mind is very important. The reason many people get into accidents is because driver’s education is not something many people tend to want to continuously learn about, once they get the basics down everything else is pretty much gone. Many drivers now don’t take the speed limits or whether the lines on the road are dashed or solid seriously, and by doing that, many people are put into danger because of their irresponsibility. If everyone was to go through driver’s education and actually use the material they learn during the course, the deaths caused by irresponsibility on the road would be drastically less because people would know how to drive safely. I have seen my own friends drive irresponsibly and it almost cost them their lives.

My friend, who was a young teenager at the time, just got his license, and he was very excited to drive. But every time he was on the road, he would text me or try to contact me while he was driving. I would tell him to stop and focus on the road. Did that stop him? Not at all. Months go by and he is still constantly on his phone while driving, texting people, calling people, not thinking about how dangerous trying to balance driving and using a phone is at the same time. Then one day, I heard the news. He had gotten in an accident. He had a collision with a pole off the road. Thankfully he was only mildly hurt, but by ignoring the safety precautions of driving he was put into a life threatening situation. Another friend of mine was driving on a back road in the country with a friend, they were both enjoying their time together since they had just gotten out of school for the day, but as they were driving, they started going over the speed limit. When rounding a curve, they probably tried to slow down a bit, but with the curve coming up fast and the speed they were going didn’t help them at all because instead of slowing down and making the curve, the truck flipped and crashed into a tree. One of them had to be airlifted while the other was taken to the hospital. They weren’t in the greatest conditions, but thankfully they are doing perfectly fine now. Driving with no responsibility and carefulness only causes problems. My friends could have been in so much more trouble than they were in. They are so lucky to have had their seat belts on, or things may have been so much worse.

The way to prevent premature death is simple yet at the same time not so simple. The simplicity of the matter is that people around our world need to learn to follow the rules of our driving system by using blinkers, not crossing a solid line, stopping at stop signs, not using your phone while driving, and not driving over the speed limit. Following the basic rules of driving can not only save your life but also the lives of others. The not so simple part is getting everyone to actually follow rules. We all have someone we love or someone who loves us, don’t drive in a way that may cause you or that person to lose someone they treasure. That’s why when I drive, I drive with caution, I don’t use my phone while driving, I make sure to use all the signals I’m supposed to. I have people around me who love and care for me, I don’t want to leave them in a way that could have easily been prevented. Driver’s education can easily fix the tragedy irresponsible driving causes, but if we leave the way people drive the way it is, life will be taken away from some far earlier than expected.