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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Be the silent hero

Name: Frances Perez
From: Miami, Florida
Votes: 0

Be the silent hero

In our society, we admire the outspoken and obvious heroes, such as our brave military teams, firemen, and policemen. Although we admire their selfless dedication and service, there exists another group of heroes, which we often overlook and underappreciated. These unsung heroes, known as the silent heroes of our society, are the backbone of our day-to-day lives, making it a smooth functioning environment.

Although not receiving the same praise as our front-line responders, silent heroes make a significant impact in safeguarding lives on a daily basis. In the state of Florida alone, the year 2021 showed 3,541 fatalities resulting from car incidents cause by unsafe or uneducated drivers. Unfortunately, making such incidents far more common than the threats our front line protect us from. I find it is imperative to shine a light on the importance of these “silent heroes.” By being a responsible and educated driver, individuals are actively contributing to the safe driving environment. I believe that each one of us has the potential to be a “silent hero” behind the wheel by striving to become the best drivers we can be.

Becoming a “silent hero” and promoting responsible driving is no ordinary task, it requires several crucial aspects. Drivers embrace the principles of defensive driving, stay attentive, and anticipate potential hazards on the road, creating a safe atmosphere. This entails drivers to abide to speed limits, show consideration to other drivers, and eliminate impairments like alcohol, drugs, or fatigue.

An important first step in cultivating responsible drivers starts with the individuals issuing the licenses. These authorities hold the responsibility in making sure that every driver is equipped to be the safest they can be. They ensure that aspiring drivers possess a comprehensive understanding of all traffic laws and demonstrate a commitment to staying updated on any changes. They are also responsible for emphasizing the importance of using seat belts and signals. Although seeming the obvious, the consequences of a momentary distraction or oversight can cost the life of another.

The next crucial step is for us, individuals, to not overestimate the responsibility we carry as drivers. The consequences of carelessness and irresponsibility on the road are simply unimaginable. Each one of us holds the power to make an impact on the gravity of importance of road safety. Imagine a scenario where every drive chose to be careless and irresponsible. The potential toll of lives would be absolutely catastrophic. Tragedy on the streets would become common.

The reason I feel such an intense passion for this subject is because of personal experiences told to me that have left a lasting impact on my life. Car incidents are not merely a statistic for my family, but are more a traumatic event my mother endured when she was younger. During a family road trip, tragedy struck when my mother’s family was suddenly and violently hit by a drunk driver. The collision caused my mother to fly through the glass, leaving her wounded on the road. She could only describe the scene to me as one of chaos, where it was engulfed with smoke and fire, and her family members suffering from severe injuries beyond compare. Unfortunately, my mother was never fully recovered from physical and emotional scars created by this devastating accident. Learning of the incident aftermath, had created a mark on my heart and is what fuels me to advocate for safer roads and responsible driving.

My mother’s story may be one of many, making it a reminder of the real-life consequences that reckless driving can have on individuals and their families. My mother was lucky enough that her family members and her were able to come out of the situation alive, however, others are not so lucky. Which reinforces the urgency to take road safety seriously and preventing such tragedies from affecting others. We do not want to be found on either end of these types of situations. Whether the reckless driver or the one being affected. I carry with the profound understanding that every decision we make behind the wheel holds the potential to shape our lives. It is my hope that by raising this awareness we can spare other the experience of pain and loss in car incidents.

All in all, by embracing the principles of responsible driving we can rise to the occasion and recognize the profound impact our individual actions can have on the lives of others. As individuals we can embark on every drive with diligence and consideration for the well-being of fellow individuals. We can call ourselves “silent heroes”, cause although we are not praised, our actions are just as important as our front-line responders. So become a “silent hero”.