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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Avoid Distracted Driving to Save Lives

Name: Jolene Slifka
From: Hamburg, PA
Votes: 2

Avoid Distracted Driving to Save Lives

Being a safe driver is important. Drivers have a responsibility to drive carefully because not only their life is at stake, but also the lives of every other driver on the road. It is crucial to remember that driving distracted is easy to do but it could cost someone his or her life. Remember to put away all distractions when you sit behind the wheel. Drivers need to be cautious but also defensive and look all around you by using your mirrors when you are driving.

The importance of having a driver education course in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is significant. Driver education courses explain the rules of the road or traffic laws, safe driving techniques, and the responsibility you have as the driver. They tell you what each street sign means and give you pointers on how to drive in bad weather. They also educate you on defensive driving, explain different types of accidents so you are aware of them, and can prevent them from happening.

In order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving, there are steps you can take. First, never drive while distracted. Put your phone on silent or turn if off completely and place it on the back seat. Change the radio station before you leave or while stopped at a traffic light. Second, never drive while under the influence of alcohol or while sleepy. Third, keep your distance from the car in front of you. Always leave a car length in front of you for every 10 mph you are traveling. Fourth, do not drive too fast especially in bad weather. Finally, drive defensively and use a backup camera, if your car has one.

My mom was involved in a car accident that was her fault because she was distracted while stopped at a traffic light. The car in front of her started moving but then stopped suddenly and she did not see that. She rear-ended the car in front of her but nobody was injured. She just needed to replace the hood of her car because of a large dent. It could have been avoided if she was not trying to open a brand new CD to play in her car.

Some steps I will take to be a better and safer driver are never drive distracted. I will also encourage others never to drive while they are distracted. I will keep my distance and drive defensively, especially when pulling out at an intersection. I will turn off my cell phone and place it on the back seat. I will drive cautiously in bad weather and if the roads are icy, I will stay home. If I feel drowsy, I will pull over to rest before continuing on my trip.

Other tips for being a safe driver include leaving enough time to reach your destination. This allows plenty of time and you will not be tempted to drive too fast. Another tip is to acquire a good sense of navigation. This will prevent you from changing the settings on your GPS if you already have an idea of where you are going. Remember to be patient. There are plenty of impatient drivers on the road today. You do not need to be one of them. Always be responsible and reliable. Know which side of your car the gas tank is on so you know which side to pull up on at a gas station. Remember to practice self-discipline. Make sure your car is current and in good working order. Change the oil regularly. Get the brakes checked before long road trips. Obey the rules of the road and never text and drive.

Driving is a big responsibility. Many drivers are careless when they get behind the wheel. They weave in and out of traffic and cut people off just to exit the highway. If you are patient and defensive while driving, you will safely get to where you want to go and many lives will be spared. Make sure you always keep a clear head. Thinking can distract you from driving. Remember to look around, look ahead, leave plenty of room between your car and the one in front of you, and communicate to others what you are doing by using turn signals or hand gestures.

DmvEdu Driving and Traffic School should select me for this scholarship because I would educate others on defensive driving skills. I would inform them that driving distracted could cost someone their life. We will be able to work together to make our world a better place to live in for generations to come.