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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Backstabbing Behaviors: On The Road

Name: Amanda Kaplan
From: East Brunswick , New Jersey
The College Of New Jersey
--> Votes: 0

Backstabbing Behaviors: On The Road

Driving education is more than just a class you must take in high school. Learning the dangers of unsafe driving is essential to keep the driver and those around them safe. A large variety of topics can fall into undertaking safe driving measures. Each case has its unique importance, whether it’s wearing a seatbelt, not drunk driving, or never speeding. These regulations have been implemented for a particular reason, so acting under them is essential. 

The earlier people become well-informed about the risks associated with poor driving practices, the more likely they are to take proactive steps in improving their habits earlier on. Information sessions at the DMV and local high schools are enlightening for teens my age. As for actions, the individual themselves must take the initiative to enhance their own safety precautions. If one takes the leap to strengthen their personal standards, others will likely follow. Examples include not driving until every passenger has their seatbelt, ensuring that the driver has a valid driver’s license, encouraging the driver to stay off technology, and many other things. To advocate for security on the road, everyone must choose the best option for themselves and the people around them.

Drunk driving is one of the more probable ways to kill someone on the road. Once people pass the legal limit, they are dangerous to themselves and people nearby. Unfortunately, I can understand the struggle somebody may go through while struggling to fight against the addicting powers of alcohol. My Father used to be one of the very people who put multiple people’s lives in danger because of dependence on alcohol. After understanding the effect on others and himself because of the instability created, he reached out for help and has been in recovery for over ten years. If he can strive to overcome this challenge, I know others can as well. This is one of those topics that is more complex than putting on a seatbelt. Without proper education on the influence alcohol can have, this issue will continue for generations and kill innocent victims on the road.

Besides experiences I’ve encountered with my Dad’s alcoholism, I’ve also been directly impacted on a different end of this situation. People often believe that a crash will occur because of a harmful action such as road racing, but that’s not always true. When my car was totaled, my family and I were driving in one lane, and a semi-truck crashed into our side. It’s disappointing that even if someone does everything they can to do the right thing, something might still go wrong. This is why putting the most effort into giving yourself the best chance possible on the road is essential. Although I have my own stories to share, I also know of others who car crashes have impacted. One girl on TikTok spreads awareness to prevent speeding after her car was hit and she flung out of the vehicle. This story is an excellent example of the threat to a person’s life if they aren’t careful on the road because she had to have her leg amputated. 

In the beginning of this essay, I’ve mentioned specific things commonly used to prevent a safety issue from occurring. To reiterate, these things include wearing a seatbelt, not drunk driving, and not speeding. These all go hand in hand with each other, so a driver must follow all of the instructions. No matter where each person comes from, we all have similar values when it comes to driving. It’s simple, don’t hurt anyone or yourself. If the driver doesn’t do the things above, they are intruding on their personal goals and the ambitions of others. The bright, colorful signs (stop signs, yield signs, etc) aren’t there for decoration; they are in place for protection. Besides the lives at risk, nobody wants their car to be totaled just because they did something irresponsible such as speeding home.

Although I may be informed about driving education, I have a secret. I’ve yet to learn how to drive. This is because I have a connective tissue disease and a neurological disorder that, in the past, has prevented me from driving. Now that my situation has improved, I’m ready to begin. Because I’ve previously not had the opportunity to go, I have taken a personal vow to follow all regulations to enhance my own safe driving practices. It would be foolish to wait all of this time to drive and waste it.

If you’re like me, it’s sometimes easier to understand a topic if you’re explained it. When it comes to what to do to stay protected while in a vehicle, it’s just science. Newton’s first law of motion states that an object will stay resting until acted upon by another force. You aren’t Superman; you’re included in this. All humans have inertia. This means you will keep moving when the car comes to a quick stop. Think about how much damage slamming into a window can cause before riding in a car without a seatbelt. It’s pretty simple; science is there to keep you safe.

If you’re finding it difficult to relate to the consequences of dangerous driving, it’s a good idea to imagine yourself or a family member in one of these dire situations. Understanding the reality of the aftermath when a crash occurs is a great place to start. Websites like is a place where beginners and experienced drivers can go to start/continue their education. The website provides accurate statistics and opportunities to master safe driving techniques. No matter how much you know, there is always more to learn. As I end this essay, I want to share an important acronym with you: S.I.P.D.E. Search for surrounding issues, Identify obstacles, Predict what could happen next, Decide how to approach the situation, and finally, Execute your solution to remain in control.