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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Be Aware, Be Prepared

Name: Ariana Sutton
From: Schertz, TX
Votes: 0

Be Aware, Be Prepared

Driver education is important for its ability to prepare student drivers for a number of perilous scenarios on the road. Simply being prepared for dangerous situations can reduce the amount of deaths on highways, city roads, and even rural areas. It would be disastrous if a persons’ car were to shut down on a highway or high traffic area. Fortunately, driver education teaches how to check if a vehicle works properly and advises to inspect the vehicle before driving. Being provided the knowledge to take care of one’s own vehicle, decreases the chances of being in an accident. Driver education also provides solutions on how to react when about to encounter a collision. For instance, if a driver were to encounter an imminent hit to the rear-end of a car, the individual should react by steering in another direction that is softer in order to minimize impact. Although, that would be the last case scenario. The first reaction to have is to slow down or stop before an impact even happens. Teenage driver education uses tactics like alarming students with the intention to teach them the consequences of recklessness. Especially when it comes to drunk driving. When shown the aftermath of others’ frightful experiences, new drivers will rethink their decisions.

In order to reduce driving deaths, the best solution is to put all distractions away. Interferences like phones, the radio, and food increases the chance of a severe car accident. It may seem important at the moment but there is nothing more important than saving a life. Before driving, check if the vehicle works properly by checking the brakes. It may be unrealistic to expect an everyday personal checkup, so always keep an extra wheel, jumper cables, first aid kit, and other utilities to use during an emergency. A significant solution to minimizing life-threatening accidents is to always have a seat belt as a driver and as a passenger. It may sound simple, but being strapped in can go a long way in saving lives. From a personal experience seat belt safety has become muscle memory when entering a car. Which should be the same for all drivers. All in all, steps to reducing driving deaths is to be aware of surroundings and prepared for any dangerous situations. May it be for reckless drivers or loose tires, it is always good to prevent accidents and to be prepared for emergencies.

When I was about eight, my dad would frequently attempt to multitask by texting on the phone while driving. As a result, there were instances where he was being honked at or was stopping way too close to the car in front him. I was concerned for his safety and expressed how it bothered me with the way he was driving. As expected, he didn’t take my worries seriously because I was only an eight year old. But I persisted to change his tendency of texting while driving. After a while, he finally stopped texting while on the road and took calls instead. Which is better than being focused on a screen. My best friend had a terrible habit of impulsively driving through parking lots. One thing that driver education omitted was parking guidelines in heavily populated areas. For instance, when finding a parking spot for a supermarket it would seem obvious to drive slow but many new drivers, including my friend, cut through the parking lot and drive faster than necessary. I warned her about the dangers of a crowded parking lot but she wouldn’t listen until she had witnessed an accident herself.

The best way to become a better and safer driver is to drive for others. Meaning, if there were instances where a driver was not paying attention to his or her surroundings, others should respond by safely maneuvering around the individual. Driving for others can not only make me an aware and better driver, but it also assists others to be safer while behind the wheel. Other practices on how to respond to certain situations should include road rage. Personally, I think it is a tremendous problem because when living in Texas I witness road rage on a daily basis. When someone is in a rush on the road and is tailgating, the best response should be to move to the side. Never instigate a conflict when you know that you’re in the right because it could lead to dangerous situations like verbal abuse or violence. Especially in Texas since there are many cases of gun violence as a result of road rage. The key to being a safe driver is to be aware of surroundings and prepared for any dangerous obstacles on the road.